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Sickening: The NIH and Dr. Fauci Fund Research Grafting Human Fetus Scalps to Rats


There are a lot of sick things in this world.

And as a writer, sometimes it’s my misfortune to have to write about them.

But this story is by far the sickest, most perverse, horrifying story I have ever reported.

It sounds like something out of a twisted, low-budget, horror movie.

If your stomach is easily turned, I would suggest you stop reading now.

If you’re a praying person – pray.

The story involves a lab that grafts the scalps of human unborn babies onto the scalps of rats.

And then watches as human hair starts to grow on the rats.

Hair that should have been growing on the head of a little baby.

And no, this research is not being funded in China or some Godless regime.

Reportedly, this research is funded by the US government through the NIH which is led by none other than Dr. Fauci.

According to an article in BizPac Review:

The federal health agency that has long been headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci, now the Biden administration’s chief medical adviser, spend more than $400,000 to fund several experiments in which the scalps of aborted fetuses were grafted onto live mice and rats.

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which Fauci has led since the 1980s, funded about a dozen researchers at the University of Pittsburgh, who went on to publish their findings last fall in the journal, Nature.

According to the scientific journal, the purpose of the experiments was to determine the predisposition of human skin to develop infections utilizing rat and mouse “models.” The research involved utilizing “full-thickness fetal skin” to “provide a platform for studying human skin infections,” researchers wrote.

The researchers also documented that “human skin tissues” that were used in their experiments were taken “from the scalp and dorsum” of “donors,” which were fetuses that had been aborted.

“Full-thickness human fetal skin was processed via removal of excess fat tissues attached to the subcutaneous layer of the skin, then engrafted over the rib cage, where the mouse skin was previously excised,” the researchers wrote.

It adds: “Rats are a major model specie for long-term (greater than one year) studies; thus, humanized rat models that combine human skin, human immune cells, and human lymphoid structures are being explored for use in long-term in vivo studies of human skin-immune interactions.”

Another article in Science Magazine confirms that this practice has been going on for some time:

Biological scientists currently have no better alternatives to using fetal tissue to give mice humanlike immune systems, concluded scientists who convened yesterday at a National Institutes of Health (NIH) workshop to discuss the issue. Such humanized mice “remain the ‘gold standard’” for many kinds of studies, the scientists said, and any alternative animal model should be tested against such mice before being widely adopted, according to a report on the closed-door workshop issued tonight by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), NIH’s parent department.

The workshop came amidst a growing storm surrounding humanized mice, which are often created using human fetal tissue from elective abortions that would otherwise be discarded.

Apparently, this revolting practice was stopped under Donald Trump according to an article from June 2019 in Nature, which reported:

US President Donald Trump’s administration is ending fetal-tissue research by government scientists and placing restrictions on academic researchers seeking grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for studies involving fetal tissue.

The administration said on 5 June that it will set up an ethics-review board to evaluate each NIH grant application that would support research with fetal tissue, which is collected from elective abortions. But the government has already decided against renewing its contract with a laboratory at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), that uses fetal tissue to study HIV.

“Promoting the dignity of human life from conception to natural death is one of the very top priorities of President Trump’s administration,” the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) said in a statement.

However, in another report also from Nature, the horror was restarted recently under the Biden administration:

The United States is reversing restrictions on fetal-tissue research set by former president Donald Trump’s administration. Government scientists will be able to resume studies using the biological material, and an extra ethics review of grant proposals submitted by academic researchers has been cancelled.

The US National Institutes of Health (NIH) announced the changes on 16 April. “That’s good news,” says Lawrence Goldstein, a neuroscientist at the University of California, San Diego, who was a member of the Trump-era board that carried out the additional ethics reviews. Researchers use fetal tissue, obtained from elective abortions, to study a range of conditions, from infectious diseases to human development, and say it is crucial to studying some illnesses.

If your stomach can take it, Nature has published photos of what this research looks like.  It is not for the faint of heart. The pictures show little baby human hairs growing on the backs of lab rats.


Just the News reported:

“Full-thickness human fetal skin was processed via removal of excess fat tissues attached to the subcutaneous layer of the skin, then engrafted over the rib cage, where the mouse skin was previously excised,” the study states.

Some of the grafted fetal skin, the study notes, matured into “adult-like human skin.” Some of the grafts even developed “human skin appendages,” including “human hair evident at 12 weeks post-transplantation.”

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Graphic photographs from the study show patches of human skin grafted to rodent bodies and clearly sprouting human hair.

Researchers involved with the study did not respond to queries for comment on the research. The NIAID and Anthony Fauci also did not respond to queries seeking more information about the project’s funding, including how often the NIAID funds projects using aborted fetal remains.

What kind of society conducts sick experiments with the remains of their own children?

Why are the NIH and Dr. Fauci not being held accountable for this atrocity?

While cities burn in the name of “justice,” the least of us – the most fragile, defenseless of human life is snuffed out every day and then used in Frankenstein-type experiments with rodents.

And we dare to call ourselves a civilized nation.


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