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Maricopa Auditors RECOVER Deleted Databases from County Officials!


The political world was rocked when Maricopa County auditors accused Maricopa County officials of deleting an entire election database.

After all, if you have nothing to hide, then why hide it?

Well… a potentially larger bombshell has just been revealed.

The Arizona auditors have RECOVERED the deleted database.

They now have the files that were deleted and are beginning to comb through the data now.

To be clear: the Maricopa audit is the first audit of its kind.

It is not a recount.

This is a true forensic audit that is investigating the truth of what happened on November 3, 2020.

Furthermore, the audit was requested and authorized by the Arizona state Senate, making this the first official investigation into the 2020 presidential election.

The announcement of the recovered hard drive can be viewed on Rumble:

So far, the media has mostly avoided covering the Maricopa audit.

Whenever the media does talk about it, they say it is being run by conspiracy theorists.

However, this is a Senate-backed audit with the highest caliber of professionals and security involved.

Local AZ Central News confirms that the deleted database has been recovered:

A contractor helping run the Arizona Senate’s audit of Maricopa County election results said Tuesday that he has located data the Senate previously accused county election officials of deleting.

In what appeared to be a walk back of the incendiary claim that prompted credulous statements from Arizona lawmakers and even former President Donald Trump, top Senate Republicans toned down attacks on county officials in a meeting at the Capitol.

The change came amid mounting scrutiny of their efforts to recount Maricopa County voters’ 2.1 million ballots.

Senate President Karen Fann, R-Prescott, invited county officials to the meeting with Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Warren Petersen, R-Gilbert, and Senate liaison Ken Bennett to discuss that claim and others first outlined in a public letter last week.

But county leaders made clear they did not plan to participate, having issued a blistering rebuke to accusations by GOP senators that they deleted and mishandled election materials.

The Senate backed off threats to issue subpoenas that would require county officials to appear. But Fann and Petersen went ahead with a meeting anyway.

The event turned into something of a status update on the recount effort, which started April 23 and has dragged on well past the 16 days that the Senate’s contractors initially said would they would need to count ballots.

Contractors had to move the ballots out of the Veterans Memorial Coliseum, where they were working, at the end of last week to make way for high school graduations and expect to resume counting next week.

Doug Logan, CEO of Cyber Ninjas, the Florida-based firm the Senate has hired to run the process, said he expected counting to be completed by the end of June — when the Senate’s new lease on the facility expires.

Looming over the meeting was the Senate’s claim last week that the county deleted a directory of computer files it was ordered to provide.

But Ben Cotton, founder of CyFir, a firm involved in the process, said Tuesday that he has the files.

“All of this may be a moot point because subsequently, I have been able to recover all of those deleted files and I have access to that data,” Cotton said.

The county uses a multi-layered storage system to store its data. Cotton said the county didn’t provide an explanation of how that system was structured, making it hard for the auditors to know what settings and configurations to use to make a copy of the county’s databases, and search the databases.

After making the copy, the Senate’s contractors saw the missing directory and assumed that it was deleted. It appears the contractors might have just looked in the wrong place.

On Monday, the county provided the auditors an explanation of their system in their response to Fann’s letter.

Cotton didn’t say whether the county’s explanation had helped.

Again, if Democrats have nothing to hide, they should WANT this audit.


Because if Joe Biden truly won fair and square, then this audit would settle it once and for all.

But instead, Democrats in the state of Arizona have been fighting this Senate-backed audit every step of the way.

Just last week, the Arizona Senate held a hearing about the deleted files.

How were they deleted?

Who would do such a thing?

And most importantly, what does it mean?

The Washington Examiner has more details on the outcome of the hearing:

Arizona Senate President Karen Fann requested Maricopa County officials meet with her next week to resolve issues related to the 2020 election audit, particularly whether someone deleted a main database from the Election Management System last month.

Fann made the request in a Wednesday letter sent to Jack Sellers, chairman of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors.

“We have recently discovered that the entire ‘Database’ directory from the D drive of the machine ‘EMSPrimary’ has been deleted,” Fann wrote, claiming the missing directory is covered by the Senate’s subpoena, which allows the group to seize elections materials for the audit.

“This suggests that the main database for all election related data for the November 2020 General Election has been removed,” she added. “Can you please advise as to why these folders were deleted, and whether there are any backups that may contain the deleted folders?”

The audit team’s Twitter account, which is run by unspecified volunteers, said the team’s allegations point toward “spoliation of evidence” by county officials.

Fann requested Elections Department officials, and others privy to the matter, meet at the Arizona State Capitol on May 18 to address the EMS files along with other stated issues “without recourse to additional subpoenas or other compulsory process.”

The meeting, if parties agree to it, would be livestreamed to the public.

Former President Donald Trump, who boasted unsubstantiated claims about widespread fraud in the 2020 election and has lauded the efforts by the Republican Senate-led audit to examine 2.1 million ballots cast in the county’s election, released a statement on Thursday promoting Fann’s letter.

“A devastating letter written by Arizona Senate President Karen Fann on voting irregularities, and probably fraud, in Maricopa County during the 2020 Presidential Election. Even the database was illegally deleted after the subpoena to produce the information,” Trump said.

Other issues mentioned in Fann’s letter include concerns that several boxes containing the ballots cast in the November election were allegedly turned over by the county without tamper-evident seals, or without the ballots being sealed in bags, as well as questions about the ballot batch counts.

“The audit team has encountered a significant number of instances in which there is a disparity between the actual number of ballots contained in a batch and the total denoted on the pink report slip accompanying the batch,” Fann wrote. “In most of these instances, the total on the pink report slip is greater than the number of ballots in the batch, although there are a few instances in which the total is lower.”

At the meeting, Senate leaders intend to discuss the county’s admitted noncompliance with one of the items from the subpoena, reviewing virtual images of routers under the observation of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office.

At the end of the day, transparency is key to a healthy democracy.


President Trump was one of the most transparent presidents in our lifetime.

He did not hide from the press.

He answered difficult questions and was transparent about everything.

That’s why the people trusted him.

And that’s why there continues to still be doubt about the 2020 presidential election.


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