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Former Planned Parenthood President Baffled by New CDC Guidelines and Pushes Dire Need for COVID-19 Vaccine Passports


When the bipolar, political CDC changed their mask guidance, liberal authoritarians had a panic attack.

One such person is former Planned Parenthood President Leana Wen.

Acting like a control freak, Wen went ballistic learning that the CDC eased their indoor mask mandate recommendations.

Or, to put it more bluntly, she is horrified of not having vaccine passports to prove maskless people are vaccinated when going in public.

Similar to other liberals, Wen lives in a constant state of irrational fear despite most populations having a 99.8+ percent survival rate.

And it makes zero sense since face diapers are proven to be useless to stop COVID-19 anyway.

But for control freaks like these, it’s only “my body, my choice” when it comes to abortion.

Not for experimental vaccines.

For that, it’s get the jab or wear this face diaper that cuts your breathing to make me feel safe.

And don’t forget, Wen is the person who had this exchange with Chris Cuomo about vaccination status being the “carrot” to return to normal.

Here is Wen’s current plea for COVID-19 Vaccine Passports:

From LifeSite News:

The former president of Planned Parenthood yesterday alluded to an urgent need for vaccine passports now that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has released new guidance saying those who have received the COVID-19 vaccination can ditch their masks.

During an MSNBC panel discussion and in a later tweet, Dr. Leana Wen said that the CDC’s relaxation of masking policies for those who are vaccinated “only works if there’s a way to check vaccination status.”

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“I am shocked by the CDC’s abrupt reversal of their guidelines for vaccinated people,” she wrote in her tweet. “While I agree that vaccinated can choose what they want to do, this only works if there’s a way to check vaccination status.”

“Otherwise, what’s to stop the unvaccinated from endangering everyone?” she asked, directly contradicting Dr. Anthony Fauci’s nearly simultaneous statement to NBC News’ Lester Holt that vaccinated people should have “no concern at all” about contact with non-vaccinated people.

“I do think that we need to send a very clear message that ‘vaccination is your ticket back to pre-pandemic life,’” allowed Wen on MSNBC. “But frankly I was shocked by the announcement. I think they went from one extreme to another, and the major step that’s missing here is: ‘How do we know that people are telling the truth [about vaccine status]?’”

Wen brought up a hypothetical future trip to the grocery store, and wondered how unmasked patrons could be certain that everyone in the store not wearing a mask has had the COVID-19 shot.

“Who is going to be checking to see if others are also vaccinated?” she asked.

“So what does that mean if I’m bringing my son, my four-year-old who is not fully vaccinated,” she wondered. “Now he’s going to be in a grocery store potentially exposed to people who are not vaccinated who could be of danger to him.”


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