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Biden Administration Will Force Doctors To Provide Transgender Treatments


What do you do when your faith collides with your profession?

What if that profession is calling, intended as service to God? A calling to protect life.

But now, in order to continue in your calling, you would have to deny one of the basic premises of your faith.

That God created us, male and female.

That gender is a biological, chromosomal reality that cannot be changed

Many doctors in this country may soon be asked to make that choice and be forced to provide gender-related treatments to both adults and children or lose their jobs.

Fox News reports:

Announced on Monday, HHS’ rule would reverse the Trump administration’s decision to interpret a sex discrimination statute as applying to just biological sex rather than including gender identity or sexual orientation. Advocates say that in doing so, the Biden administration would require federally funded hospitals and insurers to support gender-related treatments and procedures — both of which conflict with Catholic teaching and what other religions believe.

Monday’s announcement maintains that the HHS Office of Civil Rights (OCR) will abide by the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which restricts the federal government’s ability to burden a citizen’s free exercise of their religion. In justifying the move, HHS cited the Supreme Court’s decision in Bostock v. Clayton County, which ruled that sex discrimination included sexual orientation. Justice Neil Gorsuch’s opinion, however, left room for religious exemptions.

Still, conservatives have worried about the way the Biden administration interprets existing law.

Roger Severino, who headed OCR under Trump, said HHS is “threatening to put doctors and hospitals that disagree with current transgender ideology out of business.” Severino serves as a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Institute. Biden’s HHS, he added, is “trying to change the fundamental practice of medicine and science by the stroke of a pen, but will soon learn through lawsuits that sex as a biological reality won’t be so easily erased.”

The decision was approved by HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra, who sat on Catholics for Biden, after Biden, whom the White Hosue says is “devout,” issued an executive order with language that raised concerns among hte U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.

That order, the bishops said, “threatens to infringe the rights of people who recognize the truth of sexual difference or who uphold the institution of lifelong marriage between one man and one woman. This may manifest in mandates that, for example, erode health care conscience rights or needed and time-honored sex-specific spaces and activities.” They added that Biden’s executive order “exceeds the Court’s decision” in Bostock.

This is how one writer in National Review put it:

The Transgender Mandate not only threatens religious doctors and hospitals. It also threatens patients, as there is ample evidence that certain gender transition procedures can be deeply harmful.

Multiple federal courts have reached the same conclusion: “There is no medical consensus that sex reassignment surgery is a necessary or even effective treatment for gender dysphoria.” Gibson v. Collier, 920 F.3d 212, 223 (5th Cir. 2019).

The government’s own doctors during the Obama Admin agreed: “Based on a thorough review of the clinical evidence . . . there is not enough evidence to determine whether gender reassignment surgery improves health outcomes for [patients] with gender dysphoria.

The Left, however, heralded this change.

According to CNN:

The American Civil Liberties Union cheered the Biden administration’s decision on Monday, with Chase Strangio, the group’s deputy director for transgender justice, saying in a statement that “with health care for transgender youth under attack by state legislatures, this move to protect LGBTQ people from discrimination in health care is critical.”
“The Biden administration has affirmed what courts have said for decades: Discrimination against LGBTQ people is against the law,” he added.
When the Trump administration announced last June that it was scrapping the protections, it said it wanted to return “to the government’s interpretation of sex discrimination according to the plain meaning of the word ‘sex’ as male or female and as determined by biology,” adding: “The 2016 Rule declined to recognize sexual orientation as a protected category under the ACA, and HHS will leave that judgment undisturbed.”
Their plans were harshly criticized by LGBTQ advocates, including the ACLU, which said the move could cost lives, and the National Center for Transgender Equality, which said the Trump administration was “encouraging discrimination” with the rule change”

So the “party of science” once more argues that since sex is no longer determined by biology but, apparently, by psychology, it is now discrimination to refuse to change someone’s gender.

What about religious discrimination against beliefs held for thousands of years?

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Is one discrimination more “discriminatory” than another?

Have you noticed that whenever the Left is in charge, we end up discussing these ridiculous issues and each time, they push the envelope further and further into the bizarre?

When the Left is in charge children get to decide their genders and parents are forced to comply.

Politicians decide science and doctors are forced to comply.

Any opposition is deemed “bigotry” so all of us are forced to comply.

And in their minds, it all makes sense.


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