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BREAKING: Olympics Bans BLM and “Taking a Knee”!


Tokyo Olympic athletes will no longer be able to show the world how “woke” they are.

The International Olympic  Committee has barred athletes from any demonstration or apparel that expresses political views and yes that even includes “BLM”.

While American athletes have been used as mouthpieces for the BLM organization the IOC is having none of it and is keeping politics out of the Olympics.

The new ban comes after 3,500 athletes were polled on whether or not demonstrations should be allowed during the games and the results show an overwhelming amount of athletes believe there should be no demonstrations during the Olympic games.

So it looks like the American flag will finally get the respect it deserves, too bad on our own home soil it’s disrespected continuously by athletes from every league.

TMZ covered the story, see what details they shared:

Tokyo Olympics athletes will NOT be allowed to wear “Black Lives Matter” apparel at Games ceremonies this summer … officials have confirmed that’s part of the ban on protests and political messages.

The IOC revealed its broad policy two weeks ago on no demonstrations on the field of play, during an official ceremony or at the podium … but the Associated Press reported this week officials have now confirmed “BLM” apparel is included in that ban.

Officials, though, say “BLM” slogans will be allowed during at least some parts of the Games — such as at press conferences, during interviews and at team meetings.

But, they stressed if the messaging comes during official ceremonies, at the podium or during competition … athletes could be subject to punishment.

The IOC has said the ban on protesting was put in place after a “majority” of 3,500 athletes it polled were in favor of strict rules against demonstrations.

WGNTV covered the IOC’s new rules too:

The postponed 2020 Summer Olympics are just 80 days away from taking place in Tokyo against the backdrop of the coronavirus pandemic. It will be an Olympics unlike any other — with no international fans.

Athletes will have to pass a battery of nasal COVID-19 tests and are just one positive result away from ruining years of hard work and training.

Millions of eyes will be on the Games all over the world. It’s a tremendous stage — both for athletic triumph and possibly social change. Who can forget this image of Americans Tommie Smith and John Carlos with fists raised during the 1968 Olympic Games to protest racism.

But the Olympics continue to ban athlete protests and could punish athletes who choose to protest anyway. That means raising a fist or kneeling during the national anthem as many professional U.S. athletes have done over the past year risks punishment.

Those athletes could even be sent home.

IOC bans ‘Black Lives Matter’ gear
The International Olympic Committee got very granular with what is not allowed. It said specifically that the slogan “Black Lives Matter” will be banned from athlete apparel at the Summer Olympics.

It’s part of the IOC’s long-standing ban on “demonstration or political, religious or racial propaganda” on the playing field, the medal stand or during the Games’ official ceremonies.

I’m sure at least one Olympic athlete will try to break the rule and the woke left will label them as a national hero like they do with every other athlete who bows down to political correctness.


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