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Track Coach Fired After Not Enforcing The School’s Outdoor Mask Mandate


Wearing a mask while running outside is completely unnecessary in my opinion but a high school in New Hampshire believes otherwise.

Pembroke Academy located in New Hampshire recently fired their Track & Field coach for not enforcing his athletes to wear a mask while they were outside.

Coach Bradley Keyes didn’t stay silent after he was fired and was quoted saying “I will not stand up in front of the kids and lie to them and tell them that these masks are doing anything”.

Even some of the track athletes pushed back and said that wearing masks while running has made them really tired.

Coach Keyes is a true leader, I’m sure the next coach at Pembroke Academy will be a sheep and make all the Track athletes wear masks or they’ll be kicked off the team.

The Daily Wire got the full scoop, see what they had to say:

A high school track and field coach in New Hampshire claimed he lost his job recently after he refused to enforce the school’s outdoor mask mandate, which he described as “senseless, irrational, cowardice bullsh*t.”

Bradley Keyes, who coached at Pembroke Academy in Pembroke, New Hampshire, for four years, explained his rationale in a letter to the school’s athletics director (that he also posted on a blog), according to local CBS affiliate WBZ.

“I will not stand up in front of the kids and lie to them and tell them that these masks are doing anything worthwhile out in an open field with wind blowing and the sun shining,” Keyes wrote regarding the guidelines set by the New Hampshire Interscholastic Athletic Association.

“These insane policies are robbing kids of once in a lifetime opportunities for no valid reason other than irrational fears and going along with the sheep,” he added.

Keyes concluded his letter by urging the athletics director to fire him “if you must,” to which the director allegedly obliged.

In another blog post on Monday, Keyes announced he had been fired, writing, “One of the fundamental parts of all of this is learning to play by the rules. The rules [sic] supposedly put in place in order to create a fair and level playing field, to let everyone know what is expected and allowed, and then to let the best man, woman, or team win. Except now we are adding arbitrary, senseless, ill-thought rules.”

The Daily Mail didn’t stay silent either:

A New Hampshire track coach said he was fired for violating the school’s mask mandate when he allowed students to run outside without face coverings.

In a farewell message to his high school athletes, Brad Keyes wrote: ‘I have been fired. I am not surprised. I made my choice to speak out. They made theirs. My only regret is not being able to be there everyday to teach and encourage all of my athletes.’

Keyes, who coached at Pembroke Academy for the last four years, said the school requires student athletes to wear masks at athletic events, something he doesn’t completely agree with.

As a former track runner in high school running the 1600 or 3200-meter event at a fast past was pretty rough and when you add a mask to that equation it could end up disastrous.


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