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Poll – Nearly HALF of Americans Want Vaccine Passports!


If this poll is remotely close, the fight against vaccine passports will be tougher than I thought.

According to Rasmussen, around 44% of Americans think the concept of vaccine passports is a good idea.

Naturally, I don’t trust any polls but Rasmussen isn’t the worst one in the polling business.

44%, that’s frightening.

That many Americans believe in medical tyranny and a two-tiered caste system that discriminates against those not willing to put an experimental drug into their body?

I want a larger sample size to prove that’s the case.

Because the more people we have fighting against vaccine passports, the easier it will be to thwart these authoritarians in power.

Here’s more:

From Summit News:

A Rasmussen poll has revealed that almost half of Americans support the introduction of vaccine passports in order to get “back to normal.”

The findings were released over the Easter period, and noted that 44% of Americans said that a government run system requiring proof of vaccination is a “good idea.”

While some described the 44% figure as “weak,” others pointed out it is still far too high:

The poll dovetails with similar findings in the UK, where a majority of 62% said they would support the mandating of vaccine passports to visit pubs or restaurants, while only 22% opposed the idea.

An even higher figure, 78% said they would mandate the vaccine passport for international travel, while 61% said it should be required to attend sports games and 58% said it should be mandated for public transport.

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The findings in the U.S. come as it was confirmed that the Biden regime is working with major corporations to develop a country-wide vaccine passport, and after New York has begun the rollout of its own vaccine passport system.

In addition, the FBI is warning people against fake vaccine passports or COVID-19 vaccination cards.

As National File reported, the Biden administration is working with major corporations to develop a vaccine passport system that would require Americans to take one of the controversial vaccines and receive a vaccine passport to engage in commerce.

The passport system is also being pushed by the mainstream media, with the likes of the L.A. Times declaring that vaccine passports are a “good idea” because they will help the Biden administration “break the resistance down.”

I hope the percentage would be lower if every citizen was asked but nearly half of respondents saying “good idea” to any questionnaire about vaccine passports is horrifying.

It’s an example of how brainwashed some American citizens have become.


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