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MLB Moves All-Star Game to Denver, But You Need Photo ID to Vote There Also


The MLB are such cowards and frauds for their decision to remove the All-Star game from Atlanta.

They capitulated to woke corporate pressure and decided to economically ruin the lives of minority communities in Atlanta.

Those citizens were counting on the millions of dollars set to come from the All-Star game.

That’s gone now thanks to the latest member of the woke club.

It’s astonishing how many folks consider showing proof that you’re a citizen of this country a racist gesture.

If you’re not a citizen and can’t prove it, then you shouldn’t vote.


It doesn’t matter what race, ethnicity, gender, religion, etc you are.

And how many people stopped to consider how racist it is saying that minorities are too stupid to know how to obtain a valid photo ID?

These woke sports leagues, corporations, and Democrats are the real racists.

Just take this clip for instance:

Yeah, who are the real racists?

The whole basis of moving the All-Star Game from Atlanta was those “racist” voter-ID laws.

That’s why it’s ironic that the MLB chose Denver as the replacement city for the game.

Because Denver requires ID to vote similar to Georgia’s election law.


But the new venue, Coors Field, also has its own racist history:

From News Busters:

On Tuesday, all three network morning shows eagerly announced Major League Baseball moving the All-Star Game from Atlanta to Denver, supposedly in an attempt to punish Georgia for its overly-restrictive voting laws. However, the Democratic Party shills in the press were so busy taking a victory lap that they failed to notice that the voting laws in Colorado are remarkably similar to those in Georgia, in some cases even stricter.

“We have breaking news overnight in the fight over the new voting law in Georgia. Baseball’s All-Star Game will reportedly be held at Denver’s Coors Field, that is the home of the Colorado Rockies, after the League pulled out of Atlanta,” co-host Tony Dokoupil excitedly proclaimed on CBS This Morning.

In the report that followed, correspondent Ed O’Keefe even actively tried to deceive viewers as he hailed Colorado’s election regulations: “…the League has said it opposes restrictions at the ballot box. And in terms of access, Colorado is one of the easiest states to vote in, it sends mail-in ballots to every voter in the state. With a 95% return rate, the state had the highest – second highest turnout in the presidential election.”

What he hid from the audience was that fact that Colorado has fewer days of early voting (15) than Georgia’s (17). The reporter also skipped over the detail that Colorado requires a photo ID for in-person voting and signature verification for mail-in ballots. It also prevents campaign workers, wearing campaign apparel, from handing out food or water within 100 feet of a polling place. The reality that Colorado is a far less racially diverse state, with fewer black-owned businesses that would benefit from the All-Star Game being held there, was also conveniently left out of the reporting.

“Major League Baseball is moving this year’s All-Star Game to Coors Field in Denver….And the decision comes just days after the League pulled the game from Atlanta over objections to Georgia’s controversial new voting laws,” co-host Craig Melvin declared on NBC’s Today show.

Meanwhile, on ABC’s Good Morning America, co-host Amy Robach similarly reported: “And then baseball’s All-Star Game finding a new home after it was pulled from Atlanta over Georgia’s new voting law. The Midsummer Classic will now be played at Denver’s Coors Field, home of the Colorado Rockies.”

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CBS provided 1 minute 26 seconds to MLB’s decision, while NBC only managed 19 seconds and ABC offered just 13 seconds. While the liberal media have been obsessed with attacking Georgia’s new voting laws for over a week, suddenly they couldn’t find the air time to compare those laws to Colorado’s. All that mattered was declaring a win for left-wing activists.

Jack Posobiec referenced where Colorado requires voters to show a valid photo ID:

Not to mention, fans who attend the game need a photo ID to buy a beer at Coors Field.

The MLB’s hypocrisy has such a foul stench here.

The real racists got what they wanted and Atlanta’s minority communities are the ones who will suffer the most.


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