Dr. Fauci just accidentally admitted that the science behind the lockdowns is… well… fake science.
And there’s no better place for him to do that than on fake news CNN.
CNN has gotten rid of its coronavirus death tracker.
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The ticker had been a staple during Trump’s presidency, but now that Biden is in office, CNN is focusing on the vaccines.
Well, CNN host John Berman was asking Fauci about the vaccine.
Berman asked:
What’s the science behind not saying it’s safe for people who have been vaccinated – received two doses, to travel?
It is a very straightforward question.
It is not a “gotcha” question.
And quite frankly, it’s a question that the American people deserve an answer to.
What was surprising, however, was Fauci’s response.
He likely did not mean to reveal the truth, but he did.
Fauci said:
When you don’t have the data and you don’t have the actual evidence, you’ve got to make a judgment call.
Let’s break this down.
Fauci just suggested that we “don’t have the data” or the “actual evidence.”
We’re not taking this out of context.
Those are his words.
Yet… despite a lack of data and evidence, he and the CDC are making judgment calls about how we must live our lives.
Turns out the “trust the science” crowd should be screaming “trust the CDC!”
Dr. Fauci there’s no data or science behind the logic of locking down people who are vaccinated but we’re just gonna continue to do it anyway pic.twitter.com/I05oPe1dxn
— Luke Rudkowski (@Lukewearechange) March 11, 2021
Watch: Fauci Admits There Is No "Science" Behind Continued Lockdown https://t.co/UkKq6dFW5V
— zerohedge (@zerohedge) March 11, 2021
The science didn’t change.
1 mask was always better than no mask, and 20 masks is better than 1, hiding in a bunker is even better
Fauci knowingly lied, (he admits it on camera) https://t.co/ll5APFzeDh and now folks who should know better are making a mockery out of themselves https://t.co/Q4llqIZLZK
— Reagan Battalion (@ReaganBattalion) March 4, 2021
RT @EmeraldRobinson: There’s no bigger threat to the civil liberties of Americans today than Dr. Fauci. (Data Science) pic.twitter.com/xr0yI2VZYb
— Remco Niggebrugge (@remconigge) March 11, 2021
This should alarm all Americans.
If there is no data and no evidence, then why are lockdowns being imposed?
Because we DO have data and evidence that lockdowns hurt Americans financially.
Zero Hedge has more details:
In a rare moment of truth of CNN Wednesday, Anthony Fauci admitted that there is no scientific reason why people who have had the COVID vaccine are still having their freedoms restricted.
CNN host John Berman asked Fauci “What’s the science behind not saying it’s safe for people who have been vaccinated – received two doses, to travel?”
“When you don’t have the data and you don’t have the actual evidence, you’ve got to make a judgment call,” Fauci replied, declaring that Americans will just have to trust the CDC:
As we reported this week, CNN announced that the CDC is graciously allowing vaccinated Americans some ‘limited freedoms’, prompting a huge backlash on social media where people pointed out that the health body doesn’t grant anyone their God given freedoms.
So, there is no science and the CDC is making a judgement call about how ‘free’ Americans can be. Hmmm.
All this comes as a little-remarked new study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the very epicenter of the pro-lockdown public health establishment, found the positive effects from mask-wearing were decidedly modest in scale.
“Part of the problem for Dr. Fauci,” Stanford University Professor of Medicine Jay Bhattacharya said, “is that he is blind to the harms of the lockdown … He seems not to understand that the lockdown creates all kinds of physical problems, psychological problems, harms that I’ve never seen him talk about.”
Where is the outrage?
Weren’t all the people criticizing President Trump big Fauci supporters?
Shouldn’t they be upset at the guy who encouraged us to “trust the science?!”
It appears there IS NO SCIENCE!
Fauci's house of cards is crashing. https://t.co/WCMBngKs93
— Rep Andy Biggs (@RepAndyBiggsAZ) March 10, 2021
As you can imagine, the media is largely ignoring Fauci’s comments.
Fox News covered the backlash, but appears to be one of the few networks to talk about it:
White House chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci drew backlash on Wednesday for admitting that the Biden administration has to make a “judgment call” when it comes to COVID travel guidance.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced new health guidelines for vaccinated people Monday, but made no mention of travel.
The guidelines, which were supposed to be released last week, originally included recommendations about traveling but senior health officials decided to remove that section, according to Politico.
During an appearance on CNN, Fauci was pressed about what “science” is preventing the Biden administration from declaring that Americans with both doses of the COVID vaccine can travel safely.
“From the Biden administration, they say that they will make its decisions based on science,” CNN anchor John Berman asked. “What’s the science behind not saying it’s safe for people who have been vaccinated, received two doses, to travel?”
“You know, that’s a very good question, John,” Fauci responded. “And the CDC is carefully heading in that direction … They’re being careful, understandably. They want to get science, they want to get data, and then when you don’t have the data and you don’t have the actual evidence, you’ve got to make a judgment call. And I think that’s what you’re going to be seeing in the next weeks.”
Fauci later insisted that guidance on travel and other activities will “imminently be coming out.”
“Fire Fauci,” Ben Shapiro exclaimed on Twitter “All he has done for weeks is undermine the incentive structure for getting vaccinated — the measure that spells the end of the pandemic.”
“Fauci’s house of cards is crashing,” Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., tweeted.
“This kind of attitude actually hurts the fight against vaccine hesitancy….” NewsBusters managing editor Curtis Houck reacted.
“The Infallible Fauci is a fraud and should be ignored at this point. Go live your lives instead of praying at the alter of overpaid government stooges who are drunk on power they never intend to give away,” the “Rubin Report” host Dave Rubin wrote.
“The guy is a fraud. Maybe he wasn’t when it started, but he is now,” National Review senior writer David Harsanyi similarly expressed.
This should be disturbing to anyone who loves liberty and the Constitution.
Fauci must be held accountable.
Fire Fauci https://t.co/xz5DNB1N2B
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) March 10, 2021
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