This is a really awesome message from a guy who I have really come to enjoy following, Robin Bullock.
I encourage you to listen to this whole message.
The first half is more of a Bible teaching, where he explains Moses and Aaron and the differences of being raised by the King vs. being raised as a slave.
Spot on, Robin, absolutely spot on.
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But it’s the second half where he turns to giving some prophetic messages for our nation that I think you’ll find absolutely captivating.
And yes, this is a NEW message, March 2021.
I don’t want to spoil too much of it, but he says President Trump is absolutely coming back in.
He says DO NOT wait until 2024….this must be resolved RIGHT NOW.
So true, I agree 100%.
He says the people are afraid to throw out Biden and his Administration so he says the LORD will do it: “I will drive them out, says the LORD!”
Watch here and please enjoy:
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By the way….I’m giving away a free 1 oz 99.99% pure silver Trump coin, do you want one?
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