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Elijah Streams: President Trump Will Return Due To The True POWER of God, Nothing Else


I’ve been saying this for a while….

I’ve said we have to reach a point where it is absolutely beyond any man’s control to bring President Trump back into the White House.

Not the Courts….

Not even the Supreme Court….

Not Mike Pence….

Not Congress….

Not recounts…..

No, we need to reach a point where the odds are so…..Biblical….that when the Hand of the LORD moves, there will be no mistake who did it!

Do you think we’re at that point?

I do.

And so does Timothy Dixon.

This guy is great.

He doesn’t claim to be a prophet or pastor or anything like that.


He’s a big rig truck driver.

But he says God gives him dreams and visions and he writes them down and shares them.

And his latest one that he describes on the Elijah List is really something!

There’s a whole lot in here, actually it’s not just one dream….he shares many.

He starts a little slow talking about America’s history, the Pledge of Allegiance, prayer in school….all really important stuff, but it’s a little slow.

Then he gets into it and…!

He talks about two very high level people (who I think are Supreme Court Justices) who he says God showed him their entire families are being blackmailed and threatened.

He then describes a dream he had about Justice Roberts and Justice ACB…..and it’s not what you might think!

Then it gets wild.

He says God recently told him that the Columbian River Gorge would run backwards soon as a sign (I don’t think that has EVER happened before).

If you don’t know, that’s in the Pacific Northwest of the United States.

Not only that but he says Multnomah Falls will turn blood red too.

Remind you of anything?

And then here’s the best part.

He says he saw a point not too far in the near future where the military sent a plane to go pick up President Trump and bring him back into the White House.

Oh man, can you even imagine?

He did not put a date on it, but he made it sound like it was VERY soon, like within 1-2 weeks.

Everyone keeps saying March and April are the key months.

Get ready my friends!

Ok, watch here for the full thing, I think you’re gonna love this one:

NATIONAL POLL: Do You Still Have Trump's Back 100%?

And here’s more on the Columbian River Gorge running backwards:

By the way….I’m giving away a free 1 oz 99.99% pure silver Trump coin, do you want one?

ENTER TO WIN: Tell Me Which Coin Is Your Favorite For A Chance To Win One Of These 99.99% Pure Silver 1oz Trump Coins….


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