If you thought November 2020 was bad, you haven’t seen anything yet.
The United States House has officially passed H.R. 1.
While Democrats are touting this as a “voter rights” bill, skeptics argue that this could be the first step to “institutionalize voter fraud.”
The Bill would give the federal government more power to run elections…
Remember, the U.S. Constitution explicitly gives that authority to the states and the state legislators.
Furthermore, it would roll back protections such as voter I.D. requirements.
More details on this disastrous bill that is not being covered by the mainstream media below:
HR 1 should be called HR 451 as the Democrats take a flamethrower to the US Constitution.
— Lauren Boebert (@laurenboebert) March 5, 2021
By pushing for HR1, the left is opening the door to foreign influence in our elections.
— Phillip Kline (@PhillDKline) March 5, 2021
HR1 should just rename itself “The End of Democracy” Bill.
— Lavern Spicer 🇺🇸 (@lavern_spicer) March 5, 2021
First things first, the bill itself would make our elections LESS secure.
November 2020 was a preview of things to come if Democrats get their way.
The National Review reports that election integrity is at stake:
The House voted largely along party lines late Wednesday to pass a sweeping electoral reform bill known as H.R. 1.
The bill, which passed 220-210, would roll back a number of election integrity measures, including by weakening voter ID laws and mandating automatic voter registration and at least two weeks of early voting. Additionally, H.R. 1 would make it difficult to purge voter rolls and gives voting rights to former felons. A proposed amendment that would lower the voting age from 18 to 16 was defeated in the House and was not included in the final bill.
“This reminds me of what it must have felt like at Valley Forge,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) told reporters on Wednesday before a House-wide vote on the bill. “Everything is at stake. We must win this race, this fight.”
Pelosi added, “At the same time as we are gathering here to honor our democracy, across the country over 200 bills are being put together, provisions they’re putting forward, to suppress the vote.”
A nearly identical bill was passed by the House in 2019, but was not considered in the Senate, which was controlled by the GOP at the time. With the Senate currently tied 50-50 and Vice President Kamala Harris giving Democrats the tie-breaking swing vote, it is likely that Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) will bring the measure up for a floor vote.
Republicans argued that state legislatures should have the final say on how to conduct elections in their jurisdictions.
In a separate article, the National Review claims that the bill itself is an “authoritarian outrage.”
It’s ironic because the left has spent the last few years calling Donald Trump a fascist and authoritarian.
But it appears that Democrats were only trying to distract from themselves.
The National Review reports:
Democrats like to accuse anyone who doesn’t embrace every one of their brand-new, rapidly evolving, Constitution-corroding positions of being “authoritarians.” It’s often an impressive feat of projection. For a pristine example of the genre, take Jonathan Chait’s recent New York magazine piece alleging that former vice president Mike Pence is laying the “blueprint” for a fascistic GOP state in his new Heritage Foundation op-ed.
What “authoritarian” diktats does Herr Pence have in store for our fragile American democracy? For starters, the former vice president argues that states, as they always have, should conduct their own elections rather than permit a narrow partisan majority led by Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer to unilaterally nationalize and dictate the rules for every locality in perpetuity — as they did with a House vote on a sweeping measure known as H.R. 1.
To be more precise, Pence writes that he opposes empowering the federal government to:
- compel states to count mail-in votes that arrive up to ten days after Election Day.
- compel states to allow ballot harvesting.
- compel states to ban voter ID laws.
- compel states to allow bureaucrats to redraw congressional districts.
- compel states to allow felons to vote.
- compel states to undermine free-speech rights by imposing “onerous legal and administrative burdens on candidates, civic groups, unions, nonprofit organizations.”
The latter of these initiatives is an outrageous attack on the First Amendment, but all of them are contained in some way in H.R. 1 — which amounts to an integrity-corroding, banana-republic attempt to override the will of states, which most Democrats don’t seem to believe should exist. Or, at least, not for the red ones.
Let’s hope that this bill fails in the Senate!
If you liked the way the 2020 elections were run, you will love HR 1
— Sen. Marsha Blackburn (@MarshaBlackburn) March 4, 2021
HR 1, the so-called For the People Act, will increase opportunities for election fraud, trample the First Amendment, further erode confidence in our elections and should be rejected by every member of Congress and opposed by every patriotic American.
— Mike Pence (@Mike_Pence) March 3, 2021
Strange that some prominent GOP political analysts still say voter fraud in 2020 was a hoax but they are apoplectic about HR 1. No need to oppose HR 1 if w these rules there is no additional fraud.
— Matt Schlapp (@mschlapp) March 4, 2021
So much for preventing fraud.https://t.co/TfKPciBQh5
— Townhall.com (@townhallcom) March 3, 2021
Most of the media is praising the Democrat’s terrible HR 1 bill.
Surprisingly, however, the Washington Post published an opinion piece calling the bill an “assault on democracy”:
House Democrats passed H.R.1, the ostentatiously and misleadingly named For the People Act, Wednesday night on a near-party-line vote. The Senate should reject this dangerous assault on election integrity.
The bill’s primary danger lies in its virtual abolition of any safeguards to ensure that a vote represents the true desire of a single, eligible voter. States would be effectively barred from mandating the use of a photo-ID to establish that a person is the registered voter they claim to be, instead permitting a prospective voter to merely sign a sworn affidavit. States would also be required to adopt same-day voter registration in federal elections, even during early voting, so that a person could show up at a poll, sign a registration form and cast a vote without any checks to ensure the person was actually eligible to vote. Together, these provisions would make it extremely easy for a motivated individual or group to move from poll to poll and cast a number of fraudulent ballots without any reasonable fear they would be caught.
The bill also cavalierly opens the door to voting fraud in its treatment of mail balloting. It would expressly permit a person to collect mail ballots and deliver them to the relevant election agency. It purports to limit this to already sealed ballots, but of course it would be almost impossible to prove a ballot was sealed when it was handed off. The most recent proved instance of mass voter fraud involved exactly this procedure, when a Republican operative cast fraudulent votes for candidates who paid him by collecting unsealed mail ballots from voters and then filling them out for the preferred person. H.R.1 would make it much likelier that unscrupulous operatives of both parties could try to use this scheme to tip the scales in their favor.
H.R. 1 also makes it virtually impossible for a state to ensure that even a mail ballot sent directly was cast by the person it purports to be from. It bars any state from requiring identification for a mail ballot and also prohibits states from requiring that a ballot be notarized or witnessed. Without either requirement, matching a signature on a ballot with that on a voter-registration card is the only safeguard against a person casting a vote for someone else. That’s a very thin reed to rely on, especially because the people who verify mail ballots will likely be lenient in their application of this standard in order not to deny a truly eligible person their right to vote.
The measure also disables other possible ways in which election integrity could be assured. It prevents states, for example, from requiring more than the last four digits of a person’s Social Security number on a registration form. That theoretically opens the floodgates for undocumented immigrants who have illegally obtained SSNs, especially when combined with the requirement that certain state agencies automatically register people as voters when they come into any contact with the system. States are also prevented from removing registered voters from the rolls when a piece of mail is returned as non-deliverable and are required to provide at least 15 days of in-person early voting for federal elections. Entrepreneurial fraudsters could send mailings to all the names on a voter list, see which ones were returned and assemble a list of non-deliverables; they could then recruit people to vote in person under those names without having to show identification (see above).
Democrats’ claims that there have been no large-scale cases of voter fraud to date are beside the point. Incentives matter, and H.R. 1 creates massive incentives for people to cheat. We would never apply such a standard to community safety or the prevention of a mass-casualty terrorist attack. Our democracy can work only if all people, not just the partisans of one faction, trust that our system is fair. H.R. 1 makes it impossible to reach that standard because it creates so many clear and obvious ways to subvert elections.
If Biden really wants to unite America, then he would make sure that Congress only passes bills that gain bipartisan support.
However, Biden has focused on executive orders to advance the agenda of his regime.
And the bills being passed by Congress are only being passed on party lines. So much for unity…
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