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The Results Are In: President Trump’s CPAC Speech Destroys Hollyweird’s Golden Globes in Ratings


Did anyone know that the Golden Globes were this past Sunday?

I had no idea and it seems many other Americans didn’t either.

But 31 million viewers did tune in for President Trump’s highly-anticipated CPAC speech.

How many people tuned into Hollyweird’s Golden Globes?

A lowly 6.9 million viewers.

Nearly 5 times as many Americans chose President Trump’s speech over the Golden Globes.

And they say Biden was the most popular president ever?

That joke is still funny when you say it.

The New York Post commented on the pitiful Golden Globe performance:

Golden Globes viewership took a huge pandemic hit after its one-of-a-kind virtual ceremony on Sunday night.

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It turns out, even though most viewers were home anyway, they decided not to watch the 2021 show, as Nielsen ratings recorded a paltry 6.9 million viewers, Deadline reported on Tuesday.

Viewership has gradually tanked for the ceremony. Last year’s awards show saw 18.3 million viewers, down 2% from 2019’s total viewership, according to Nielsen. Nothing has yet to top 2004, which had almost 27 million viewers.

In the key demo of adults aged 18 to 49, the 2021 show notched a 1.5 rating, a new all-time low; the 2020 show had a 4.7 rating in that demo.

The annual awards for TV and movies saw some highs and lows: Hosts Amy Poehler and Tina Fey managed to gel despite being on opposite coasts with some lol-worthy zingers and pointed commentary on the lack of diversity in the nominating body; “The Crown” stars had their reigning moments; “Ted Lasso” creator and actor Jason Sudeikis may or may not have been high.

But even a year into the virtual way of life the pandemic has brought, tech glitches marred the night’s biggest moments, including when Daniel Kaluuya almost couldn’t deliver his acceptance speech for playing Fred Hampton in the historical drama “Judas and the Black Messiah” due to some kind of sound issue.

100% FedUp shared these remarks:

Trump hit on a lot of topics Americans care about, but at the top of the list was election integrity. 62% of CPAC attendees agree the election integrity must be at the top of the list of items they believe is most important to fix.
Compare Trump’s incredible reach with his CPAC speech to the newly elected “President” Biden who campaigned from his basement, yet was able to get 81 million votes in the November election (election integrity comes to mind).  In his most recent address to American workers, a whopping 38K viewers tuned in. Comments have been turned off on all White House videos after Biden’s videos were inundated with mostly negative remarks.
It’s clear that even while banned from social media, President Trump remains infinitely more popular than Hollyweird or Sleepy Joe.
Despite what the Fake News Media claims.


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