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President Trump To Be In “Total Control” Of GOP?

Sources close to The 45th President claim that he has a big message slated for upcoming CPAC event.


The Grand Old Trump!

Seriously, it is becoming something that everyone is talking about. We can’t go back to the old ways. Conservative voters have had a taste of Trump, and we don’t want to go back!

How could we?

Sources close to President Trump have let the cat out of the bag, and they say that he is planning to send a very pointed message to The GOP establishment.

Could this be the entire takeover, and rebirth of a party?

I think so.

Check it out:

Axios reported: 

In his first post-presidential appearance, Donald Trump plans to send the message next weekend that he is Republicans' "presumptive 2024 nominee" with a vise grip on the party's base, top Trump allies tell Axios.

Axios has learned that Trump advisers will meet with him at Mar-a-Lago this week to plan his next political moves, and to set up the machinery for kingmaking in the 2022 midterms.

State-level officials, fresh off censuring Trump critics, stand ready to back him up.

Why it matters: Trump's speech Sunday at CPAC in Orlando is designed to show that he controls the party, whether or not he runs in 2024.

OAN had more on the story: 

Senior adviser Jason Miller said President Trump is the Republican Party, and attacking him is like attacking the party’s grassroots.

President Trump has notably been in touch with party leaders like Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.).

“I was in Florida doing some fundraising throughout a number of parts of Florida, ended up at Mar-a-Lago, and the President reached out and we visited,” Graham said. “I hadn’t seen him since he had left the White House, and it was actually good to catch up with him. I noticed he was a lot more relaxed than his four years in the White House. 

“He still cares a lot about this country and the direction of our country. But, you know, it was a conversation more about how he’s doing now and what he’s planning on doing and how his family is doing,” Graham added.


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