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Here Is Governor Ron DeSantis’ Plan To Combat Future Election Fraud

The Governor of Florida is hoping to introduce new legislation would would combat future election fraud, after widespread allegations of fraud in 2020.


DeSantis for VP!

Governor Ron DeSantis just keeps making all the right moves, taking on big tech, standing up for free speech, fighting against fake pandemic regulations, and protecting election integrity.

The MSM, and Democrats continue to peddle the lie that there has been zero evidence of widespread election fraud, we all know this to be false of course.

They call election security and integrity “voter suppression” because they somehow find it offensive that we dare to ask someone to present ID to vote.

Apparently it isn’t offensive when those same people are asked to present ID to purchase cigarettes, alcohol, and video games, but hey who am I to say anything?

Here is the latest:

The Associated Press reported: 

Florida was a model citizen when it came to elections in 2020. The state showed off its years of voting reforms. Even as Donald Trump railed against voting systems elsewhere, he praised Florida and urged his supporters to trust its vote-by-mail system. And, indeed, results were reported quickly and accurately. Turnout soared.

It was all overseen by GOP officials. And Trump won, continuing Republicans’ growing dominance in the state.

Yet three months later, Florida Republicans have set out to overhaul the state’s voting system anyway. GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis on Friday proposed an array of voting changes, while state lawmakers have introduced legislation that makes it harder to vote by mail. To explain the efforts, Florida Republicans point not to evidence of problems but to the potential for voter fraud and suspicion about the process.

“We want everyone to vote, but we don’t want anyone to cheat,” DeSantis said Friday.

Taken directly from The Governor DeSantis Website

The proposed legislation takes an important step in designing some of the nation’s strongest election integrity protections and providing unprecedented election transparency for Florida residents. The proposed legislation would include the following measures:

Ballot Integrity

Address the use of ballot drop boxes.

Address ballot harvesting so that no person may possess ballots other than their own and their immediate family.

No mass mailing of vote-by-mail ballots—only voters who request a ballot should receive a ballot.

Vote-by-mail requests must be made each election year.

Vote by mail ballot signatures must match the most recent signature on file.

Transparency in the Elections Process

Political parties and candidates cannot be shut out from observing the signature matching process.

Supervisors of Elections must post over-vote ballots to be considered by the canvassing board on their website before the canvassing board meets.

Prohibits counties from receiving grants from private third-party organizations for “get out the vote” initiatives.

Transparency in Elections Reporting

Requires real-time reporting of voter turnout data at the precinct level.

Supervisors of Elections must report how many ballots have been requested, how many have been received, and how many are left to be counted.


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