This right here is something to behold. According to reports the French government is now warning The United States that the out of control leftist nonsense coming from our colleges is a threat.
A threat to French heritage, and the French culture.
Sources also claim that the French government is now taking steps to deal with the threat of dangerous social sciences coming out of U.S. universities.
About damn time another world leader got up and said something!
I am usually no fan of Macron, or of France, but credit where credit is due!
Take a look:
The Red State Observer reported:
The extreme leftist “woke” culture is a disease that has infected the country and French officials are now sounding the alarm that it must not infect France itself.
Historian Pierre-Andre Taguieff notes it’s all driven by a “hatred of the west, as a white civilization and that the agenda of these enemies to the west can be summed up in three words: “decolonize, demasculate, and de-Europeanize.”
France’s laws make it illegal to collect data based on race and reject the idea of “diversity” and “multiculturalism,” and instead, putting more focus on fundamental rights and values such as equality and liberty.
Whether or not this push from French politicians to halt the tide of identity politics actually works remains to be seen, but it really puts into perspective just how damaging this American-born ideological virus is.

Daily Mail had more details:
Politicians, prominent intellectuals, and academics in France have voiced concern that 'out-of-control leftism and cancel culture' from the United States is threatening French identity.
They are arguing that American ideas on race, gender, post-colonialism – especially those coming from U.S. universities – are undermining French society and are an attack on French heritage.
The collection of intellectuals arguing that France is being contaminated by the leftism of America was buoyed on last year after French President Emmanuel Macron appeared to side with them. 'There was the idea that we're talking too much about racial questions in France,' Pap Ndiaye, a historian, told the Times of the summer's protests. 'That's enough.'
Some French intellects have also argued that American universities are to blame for giving justification to acts of terrorism carried out by Muslims.
After three Islamist terror attacks last fall, Education minister Blanquer accused the universities of being complicit.
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