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President Trump’s Lawyers Present A DEVASTATING Piece Of Evidence!

Sources claim that the Trump defense team has cited a critical piece of evidence which will completely destroy Democrat sham narratives.



President Trump’s legal team has a knockout piece of evidence that completely derails any Democrat fantasy of impeaching number 45.

According to sources law enforcement received reports and intel that the January 6th riots were going to happen LONG BEFORE President Trump’s speech on January 6th.

That’s right.

Once again reports are simply saying what we all know in our hearts to be true, and these reports are supported by what former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows has said in an interview to Fox News.

Take a look:  

Trending Politics reported on the story: 

Just one day before another sham impeachment trial, President Trump’s legal team has methodically laid out their case in a blistering new memorandum.

The memorandum makes the case for Trump’s innocence in detailed and methodical fashion. At one point in the letter, Trump’s lawyers say that the Democrats are leaving out a “chilling fact” about that fateful day.

On page 7 of the memorandum, the Trump legal team confirms that law enforcement received reports of a potential attack on the Capitol well before Trump’s January 6th speech…throwing out the possibility of a sudden “incitement” by the 45th President’s speech.

The National Pulse reported: 

The New York Times reported on Friday afternoon:

On Jan. 4, the intelligence division of the U.S. Capitol Police issued a report listing all the groups known to be descending on the city… The documents show how the police and federal law enforcement agencies produced inconsistent and sometimes conflicting assessments of the threat from American citizens marching on the Capitol.

The article called intelligence “muddled,” saying almost every code word for “institutional failures” without using the term itself.

Biden donor and new Capitol Hill Police Chief Yogananda Pittman admitted last week: “We knew that there was a strong potential for violence and that Congress was the target… but we did not do enough.”


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