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North Dakota Republicans Are Considering To Nullify Federal Laws Due To Biden’s Misuse Of Executive Orders


North Dakota is pushing back against Biden’s authoritarian rule.

Legislators from North Dakota are close to enacting a new bill that will cut off the Federal government’s power over North Dakota.

Republican Rep. Sebastian Ertelt, who introduced the bill was quoted saying  “Upon receipt of federal legislation, regulation, or executive order, for consideration and process, the committee shall recommend whether to nullify in its entirety a specific federal law, regulation, or executive order.

The Western Journal covered the Bill and shared these details:

As the federal government in 1798 teetered dangerously close to what James Madison considered a vast misuse of its powers under the Constitution, he authored the Virginia Resolution.

The resolution affirmed that “in case of a deliberate, palpable, and dangerous exercise of other powers, not granted by the said compact, the states who are parties thereto, have the right, and are in duty bound, to interpose for arresting the progress of the evil, and for maintaining within their respective limits, the authorities, rights and liberties appertaining to them.”

More than 220 years later, North Dakota legislators — alarmed by the deluge of executive decrees from the Biden White House — are considering legislation to push back against the flood.

House Bill 1282, introduced recently by Republican state Rep. Sebastian Ertelt, creates what legislators are calling a committee on nullification.

If passed, the State Legislature ostensibly would decide if the edict becomes the law in North Dakota.

The National File commented on the story too:

Republican legislators in North Dakota are taking a pro-active – and constitutional – step to push back against unconstitutional executive orders coming out of the Biden administration, and they are doing so with the power of the US Constitution in their corner.

A new bill introduced in the North Dakota State Legislature (HB1164), would instruct the state’s Attorney General to review the constitutionality of each of the executive orders issued by Joe Biden.

Under the proposed law, should the North Dakota Attorney General find that any executive orders are unlawful – or unconstitutional, the executive order would be “nullified,” it would prohibit any state, county, or local agency – or publicly funded organization – from enforcing the order(s).

If Biden continues to act like a dictator with his constant executive orders look for more states to distant themselves from Federal Laws.


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