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The Dangers of Masks…Mass Occult Ritual?


If you’re a “maskhole” this article may not be for you!

What’s a maskhole?

Well, basically what it sounds like, a butthole who wants the world to give up their rights, give up their humanity all for unproven “scientism”:

By the way, whatever happened to “my body my choice”?

Have we all suddenly flipped roles?

“My body my choice” is great for Liberals when it only involves killing an unborn baby, but when it comes to having the freedom and liberty to choose whether or not I want to restrict the oxygen I get to breath, well, that’s somehow not my choice I guess.

Got it.

And to the lib reading this article and telling me masks are for the “greater good” and I’m being selfish by not wanting to wear one, I can think of no “greater good” than letting babies be born alive.

But that’s just me.

Now let’s get into the article.

Check out this video that shows using actual science (gasp!) just how dangerous mask can be:

And then there is this.

A big thanks to GlobalResearch for this excellent article:

I happen to know a thing or two about masks and safety. Why? Because for 25 years I was the editor of an award-winning trade magazine called HazMat Management that covered such topics as pollution prevention and compliance with health & safety laws. We routinely published articles on masks, gloves, respirators and other forms of personal protective equipment (PPE). Now let me tell you a few things about that mask you’re wearing. And please note that what I’m about to share was also stated in the most recent edition of Del Bigtree’s program The Highwire when two OSHA mask experts spoke to the fact that the kinds of masks people are wearing were never (never!) designed to be worn for long periods and doing so is very harmful.

The blue typical mask depicted in the photograph contain Teflon and other chemicals. A Facebook friend reminds us: 1. Masks are “sterilized” with Ethylene Oxide — a known carcinogen. Many teachers in various school boards have been experiencing significant symptoms as a direct result of the effects of this chemical. 2. The masks contain (not sprayed with) PTFE which makes up Teflon along with other chemicals. I found and have posted the US patent to allow manufacturers to use PTFE as a filter in commercial masks… “breathing these for extended periods can lead to lung cancer.”

Don’t agree? Argue with the experts at OSHA, which is the main US agency, i.e., its Occupational Health & Safety Agency. These masks are meant to be worn only for short periods, like say if you’re sanding a table for an hour and don’t want to inhale sawdust. They don’t do anything whatsoever to stop the spread of any virus, and the emerging science of virology now understands that viruses aren’t even passed person to person. I know that sounds incredible, but it’s the case that the virus is in the air, you breath it in, there’s no way to prevent that short of living in an oxygen tent, and if you have a strong immune system you’ll be fine, and if you have a weak immune system you may have to deal with the effects of your immune system working to restore balance within your metabolism.

Surgical Face Masks: No Statistically Significant Benefit Against COVID-19. Danish Study in Annals of Internal Medicine
So let’s say you don’t wear the blue packaged masks, and instead wear a homemade cloth mask — the kind people wear over and over and hang on their rearview mirror and so on. Those masks are completely useless against a virus, and are also very dangerous. OSHA would never condone a person wearing a mask of this kind for anything more than the shortest time. Re-breathing your own viral debris is dangerous to health, and the oxygen deprivation children suffer wearing such masks all day will certainly cause brain damage. I’m not making this up. Again, you might say, well, Guy, you’re not a doctor. True, but I did edit that magazine for 25 years. That’s a long time and many articles on masks and PPE. I’ve attended numerous OH&S conferences and listened to experts discussing these matters.

You may hear people saying that surgeons and nurses wear masks like this all day. Um, no. No they don’t. They’re trained in the proper use of masks, which is to wear them in the OR, then dispose of the mask when they leave that room. Are you aware that operating rooms are actually supplied extra oxygen, to compensate for the reduction in oxygen flow from mask wearing? To my mind, it’s criminal (not hyperbole) to force children to wear masks all day. Setting aside the very real psychological effects, we’re going to have a generation of brain damaged children. Ever heard the expression, “Not enough oxygen at birth?” That’s a joke at the expense of a mentally challenged person, but that’s literally what we’re doing. And we’re told it’s to “keep us safe”! We’re told this by doctors who actually don’t know about PPE and laypeople who have no clue.

So, you can choose to believe me or not, but I was the editor for a quarter century of a magazine that had a strong occupational health and safety mandate, and I can tell you that the mask wearing currently mandated by governments and private businesses offers no health benefit whatsoever, in no way protects you or anyone else from any virus, and actually does you damage beyond wearing it for a few minutes.Got that? Good. Now please share this message and get the conversation going with parents, who must end this masking of children immediately. This is a very serious matter. And related to that, let me just state this doesn’t end for me when the lockdown ends or the masking ends. No, this ends for me when every politician and bureaucrat who inflicted this travesty, this crime against humanity, on the population of Canada (and other affected countries) is in the dock, and faces their misdeeds in a court of law.

And as for those of you who have put masks on young children, I will have a long memory on that score. A very long memory.

END NOTE: The CDC and WHO have acknowledged that asymptomatic people do not spread the virus, so the case for masks for such people is moot in the first place.


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Then there was this:

Again from GlobalResearch:

Most Western elites are telegraphing the message that we will be forced to cover our humanity with cheap face masks indefinitely. They are mandating that even two-year-olds must wear masks. The long-term effects on the lungs, emotional and behavioral problems, and development of infants and toddlers is enormous. For such an unconstitutional invasion of personal liberty, they are responsible to show us some amazing degree of effectiveness of this cultish ritual. In fact, the data show the opposite.

The much-vaunted Danish mask study was finally published today in the prestigious Annals of Internal Medicine. Now we know why three medical journals were so averse to publishing its findings. The study completely obliterates the cultish devotion to masks. The results of this massive real-life controlled experiment show that the group that wore surgical masks in April experienced a 0.38% lower infection rate than the control group that did not wear masks. That is about one-third of one percent, which is so low that it could just be statistically random variances that demonstrate no definitive efficacy even to that infinitesimal level.

“The recommendation to wear surgical masks to supplement other public health measures did not reduce the SARS-CoV-2 infection rate among wearers by more than 50% in a community with modest infection rates, some degree of social distancing, and uncommon general mask use,” concluded the authors. “The data were compatible with lesser degrees of self-protection.”

There was a total of roughly 3,000 people in each group of the study, which would make this the largest study ever conducted on the efficacy of mask-wearing. In October, Berlingske, Denmark’s oldest operating daily newspaper, reported that three major journals – JAMA, New England Journal of Medicine, and Lancet – refused to publish the study.

It appears that the study’s authors had to twist their tongues in order to get this study published by noting that “the estimates were imprecise and statistically compatible with an effect ranging from a 46% decrease to a 23% increase in infection.” They of course had to concede that their study doesn’t definitely rule out the idea that masks could be effective!

Before we get into the Occult Ritualism experienced with masks, here’s something funny.

Satire is often the best way to communicate the truth:

And I want to end with this long but excellent article from HaveYeNotRead explaining why the Mask Mandate is an Occult Ritual hidden in plain sight….here is a portion:

In previous Bible studies and commentaries, I’ve documented many times now that our global leaders today are largely occultists. (See here, here, here and here.)

So are the owners of many of our country’s largest businesses and sports franchises.  (See here and here.)

Even celebrities push occultism constantly. (See here.)

And quite frankly, many Christian churches have been infiltrated by practitioners of Kabbalah, which is a book of Jewish mysticism, magick spells, enchantments, man-made numerology and other esoteric and occult practices that the orthodox rabbis use in the course of their daily lives, and now teach Christian leaders to use, as well. (See here.)

So, with so many of the world’s “top tier” leaders pushing occultism – including those enemies of Christ who run the four hidden dynasties of politics, education, economics and religion — it should come as no surprise to you that the entire global coronavirus crisis is replete with occult symbology and ritual occult initiation themes.

Indeed, as you’ll see throughout the rest of this commentary, the entire manufactured coronavirus crisis is one giant, occult ritual from start to finish, divided up into four mini-rituals, each with the distinct occult purpose of initiation and transformation of the world and its people into a new global order.

So, let’s start by examining the four distinct, but interrelated, occult rituals that make up this massive global occult ritual initiation ceremony:

  1. Ritual Mask-Wearing
  2. Ritual Hand-Washing
  3. Ritual “Social Distancing”
  4. Ritual Lockdowns

In the course of examining these four occult rituals, I’ll do my best to explain to you how each one is part of an elaborate stage play designed to symbolically initiate the people of this world into their new positions in a new global order – a new order that rejects Jesus Christ and Christianity, and puts the people of this world under the ultimate control of a global elite whose god is the devil himself.

The Ritual Wearing of the Mask

Have you ever wondered why, in Revelation 17:5, Babylon is called “Mystery, Babylon”?

You already know that the word “Babylon” means “confusion.”  But what does the word “mystery” mean?  Here’s what the Strong’s Concordance tells us:

G3466 Musterion — From a derivative of muo (to shut the mouth); a secret or “mystery” (through the idea of silence imposed by initiation into religious rites) — mystery.

Don’t overlook that.  The word “mystery” in the Bible has to do with shutting the mouth as one undergoes a secret religious initiation.  Again, it’s: “the idea of silence, imposed by initiation into religious rites.”

Isn’t that interesting?

After all, at this point in time, 30 countries, including the United States, are now forcing their citizens to wear face masks over their mouths on a mandatory basis, ostensibly to help stop coronavirus infections.

This, even though numerous medical experts, including the Surgeon General of the United States, have openly stated that wearing masks has no beneficial effect whatsoever against coronavirus.

What’s more, numerous medical experts have attested to the fact that face masks can even be dangerous to one’s health in that they curtail clear thinking (and even consciousness) by trapping carbon dioxide in the chamber of the mask, forcing you to re-breathe it over and over, thus depleting your blood of fresh air and the life-giving oxygen component it contains.

So why are the powers-that-be, globally, forcing their citizens to wear these face masks, if the masks simply don’t work against coronavirus, and might very well be dangerous to your health?  The answer might surprise you:

Masking has traditionally played a very important role in occult rituals.

Among other things, the wearing of the mask over one’s mouth is a token of submission…a gesture of your willingness to be subject to others who are not your usual Sovereign.  

But there’s more.  According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, mask-wearing is:

“A form of disguise or concealment usually worn over or in front of the face to hide the identity of a person and by its own features to establish another being.”

In other words, the wearing of a mask represents an occult transformation — a human alchemy, if you will — from one role to another.  From one manner of being, to another.  Indeed, in this case, from individual sovereign under God to collective subject under the children of the devil.

You see, the masking ritual is specifically designed to reverse the order of hierarchy set in place by God Himself.  In the hierarchy of your heavenly Father, you are a sovereign representative of His Word on this earth.  And your job is to speak His Word, on His Sovereign behalf to others.

In other words, He’s the King, you’re a Prince of His kingdom, and your job is to carry His Word to others, so they too can get on board with it and return to the Father eternally, through Jesus Christ.  As it’s written regarding our primary duty as Christians:

II Timothy 4:2Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine.

In short, your job is to teach your Father’s Word.  And you must be ready and willing to do so at all times (i.e., “be instant, in season and out of season”).

As such, you must always remain unmasked, because your job — in your earthly role as one of His faithful representatives — is to speak and explain His Word to others.  And to do so, you must open your mouth.  You cannot be muzzled.  You cannot be masked.

Wearing the mask is a powerful occult symbol indicating your submission to another power other than the Creator God who gave you the direct commission to preach His Word to the world:

Matthew 28:18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.


Matthew 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:


Matthew 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

So, in God’s hierarchy, you’re a sovereign representative of His Word on this earth.  And your job is to spread that Word to as many others as possible in the course of your adult lifetime.  But in the hierarchy of the ritualists, it’s quite the reverse:

The entire point of occult ritual mask-wearing is to hammer home to your subconsciousness — until it becomes completely true in your daily life — the idea that things are no longer the same, and will never be the same again.

Masks hasten the suppression of ego to help facilitate the death of the old identity before the identification with, and the manifestation of, a new identity.










It’s an initiation into a new order.  But it’s also a transformation of the self into a new position in that new order.

Under the sway of the occult ritualist, you, being mouth-masked, are no longer the person you used to be.  You’re no longer a designated mouthpiece of God on this earth.  You’re suddenly demoted and re-assigned to the position of obedient subject. 

Symbolically, you become a serf in the new order.  That’s your new role…your new identity… as represented by the wearing of mask.

The wearing of the mask is simply part of the initiation ritual used to visually and psychologically signal your consent to this new arrangement.  Yes, by wearing the mask, you’re signaling your consent to accept a new and very different position in a new global order. 

Instead of being a sovereign representative of the Most High God and His Word on this earth, in essence, you agree to become a willing subject — a slave — to the very enemies of God and His Christ.  Masked, you’re now willingly serving the enemy’s purposes, and no longer God’s.

When you obediently put the mask over your mouth, you’re symbolically saying to the ritualists, “I admit my words no longer have any purpose or relevance in this life.  My sole purpose now is obedience to your words and commands.”

And in raising themselves to the position of your new sovereign, and muzzling you like a dog in the process, they alchemically create a new you in a new role under new rulers.  That’s the alchemical transformational change involved in the ritual.

They’re quite literally attempting to take the place of God in your life, and make you their willing subject.  They’re becoming your instead-of-Christ.  Your antichrist.

And by placing the mask on your face, you’re becoming their unwitting faithful servant.  You’re being ritually initiated into the new order.  You may not realize it.  But in occult magic, the victim doesn’t have to be knowledgeable of the meaning behind what he or she is being told to do.  The performance of the ritual itself – on demand — is all that matters.

So, who, exactly, is doing this to us?

1 John 2:18 — Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.

You didn’t think these “many antichrists” would sit around on their hands all day, doing nothing, in the final days of this flesh earth age while they’re waiting on the return of their father the devil in his role as the false messiah, did you?

Naturally, they’re softening things up for their god – Satan — before he gets here.  They’re using ceremonial occult ritual magic, on a global scale, to capture the entire world in their dragnet.

By wearing the mask, you’re being symbolically and alchemically transformed — “reborn” — into their new global system, through occult ritual programming.

More from the Encyclopedia Britannica on ritual mask-wearing:

“The person who wears the mask is also considered to be in direct association with the mask’s spirit force and is consequently exposed to like personal danger of being affected by it.


Upon donning the mask, the wearer sometimes undergoes a psychic change, and, as in a trance, assumes the spirit character depicted by the mask.”

Well, folks, the antichrist – the instead-of-Christ — is the “spirit force” of the mask we’re talking about.  You get that, don’t you?  He’s the spirit behind the powers-that-be who are working to pull off this global coup.

And it’s the powers-that-be who have masked, muzzled and demoted you to your new status of slave, on the behalf of their god, the devil himself.

The mask-wearing ritual is designed to posses you with the spirit of subservience to your new overlords, who are the “many antichrists” of 1 John 2:18.

And it sets you up to do the same when the antichrist arrives and offers his actual “mark,” which we’ll examine at the end of this commentary.

If you don’t think wearing the mask quite literally changes people, as the Encyclopedia Britannicastates in the quote above, think about all of the masked “Karens” you’ve seen online videos of, wildly chasing people who aren’t wearing masks down the road, publicly berating them for not wearing masks, and screaming at them that there’s “blood on their hands” for not masking up like good little boys and girls always should.

Here’s one, for example, in which the “Karens” are all big, burly, mask-wearing males, quite literally shoving an elderly gentleman out of a store for not wearing a mask:

Through the wearing of the mask, the occult ritualists have created an army of “Karens” – programmed automatons who take the ritual so seriously that they feel personally and physically threatened when you don’t.  And they don’t mind telling you so. Often vigorously.

The Encyclopedia Britannica goes on to say about the masking ritual:

“Usually, however, the wearer skillfully becomes a ‘partner’ of the character he is impersonating, giving to the mask not only an important spark of vitality by the light flashing from his own eyes but also bringing it alive by his movements and poses.”

In other words, in the end, the mask becomes part of the very identity of those who wear it.  The occult transition becomes complete.  The “new you” is born from the ritual.

The Encyclopedia Britannica further states:

“But often the wearer [of the mask] seems to become psychologically one with the character he is helping to create. He seems to become an automaton, without his own will, which has become subservient to that of the personage of the mask.”

You might want to think about those dozens of online videos showing fully-masked hospital nurses and hospital workers participating in elaborately choreographed Tik-Tok dance videos, while simultaneously thousands of hapless coronavirus victims are supposedly dying cruel deaths and being stacked up like cord wood in those very same hospitals.

Yes, a veritable masked dance of death, just like you see in the movies.  And we all know who Mr. Death is, don’t we?

Revelation 6:8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

What’s more, by adding dance to the mask-wearing, the new slaves show their willingness to entertain their captors – to become little more than flesh play-sports to them — just as the Babylonian soldiers of old tried to force the Israelite captives to entertain them with music.  As it’s written:

Psalm 137:1 By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Zion.


Psalm 137:2 We hanged our harps upon the willows in the midst thereof.


Psalm 137:3 For there they that carried us away captive required of us a song; and they that wasted us required of us mirth, saying, Sing us one of the songs of Zion.


Psalm 137:4 How shall we sing the Lord’s song in a strange land?

As you can see, the Israelites of old refused to entertain their captors…refused to provide the requested mirth…asking amongst themselves, “How can we sing the Lord’s song in a strange land?”

But unlike the time of the Babylon captivity, today’s coup against God’s People, and today’s ongoing overthrow thereof, is, so far, being accomplished without conventional warfare.

So, the people, by-and-large, don’t even realize the depth and severity of the attempted coup against them, because it’s being accomplished almost solely through occult ritual deception.  Which is why God’s Word warns us that there will be times we can’t even trust our own neighbors.  As it’s written:

Jeremiah 9:4 Take ye heed every one of his neighbour, and trust ye not in any brother: for every brother will utterly supplant, and every neighbour will walk with slanders.


Jeremiah 9:5 And they will deceive every one his neighbour, and will not speak the truth: they have taught their tongue to speak lies, and weary themselves to commit iniquity.


Jeremiah 9:6 Thine habitation is in the midst of deceit; through deceit they refuse to know me, saith the Lord.

First, the powers-that-be deceive your neighbors into putting on the mask.  Then your neighbors, thinking they’re doing right, work to push you into doing the same, using peer pressure and “virtue signaling.”

And if you refuse to be deceived, as they are, they’ll slander you, turn against you, and work to supplant you.

Does this sound at all familiar to you?

Tell me again, how many cities and states now have highly-publicized “snitch lines” in which your neighbors can call up and report you for not wearing a mask?  One U.S. city alone is said to have registered an astonishing 200,000 “tip-off” calls on their snitch line in a single week.

Yes, it’s just an updated version of what the book of Jeremiah tells us has happened before.  Neighbor being turned against neighbor.  In this case, over their failure to perform a prescribed ritual.

Like the old movie, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, your own neighbors end up as mind-controlled “pod people” who want nothing more than to drag you into the interconnected pod hive with themselves and all of the other victims of mind-control, happily betraying you (and your God-given freedom and position) in the process.

But the mask-wearing has another occult meaning, as well, which we’ve only lightly touched on.  As the website states about the wearing of the masks:

To better understand the symbolism of wearing the mask, try typing the word ‘censorship’ into Google Images and see what kind of illustration predominantly comes up. Here’s a sampling of what you’ll find:

That’s also why our figurehead leaders are ostensibly refusing to “mask up”:  We are the one’s being gagged, not them.

These unconscious associations are extremely strong. Gags are a symbol of subservience and domination; they are deeply humiliating (and indeed they are popular in BDSM sexual bondage practices).

That is why people resist them so much; that is also why they are currently being made mandatory the world over. There is little doubt the unproductive barbarians behind this circus are enjoying themselves; they believe they are being subtle.”

Ah, yes.  Subtle like the serpent. continues by pointing out:

This also involves imposing their symbols on us. The esoteric interpretation of the mandatory gagging ties directly into the symbology of silence that is as old as occultism itself.”

So I have a question for you….

NATIONAL POLL: Do You Still Have Trump's Back 100%?

Do you think the masks will ever go away?

Do you think the powers-that-should-not-be WANT them to ever go away?

I think that’s a big “N-O”.

So I’m wondering how long you will continue to play along?

Tell me below….👇


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