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The GameStop WallStreetBets Short Squeeze Explained In Simple Terms


Unless you’ve been living in a cave….on the moon….you’ve probably seen and heard everyone talking about GameStop and what happened to the stock.

I know a lot of people don’t really understand what happened and so I was searching for a good way to explain it in simple terms.

I think this really helps:

Here’s a zoom in to read easier:

Now, if you’re looking for a FUNNY explanation, this lady is hilarious.


But this is actually a very serious topic.

And it 100% relates to Trump.

Can you see the same story playing out in all aspects of life right now?

It’s the Deep State “elites” losing their iron grip over society….and they don’t like it.

They lost in 2016 when Trump won.

They fought back and rigged the election in 2020, even going so far as to shut down vote counting until they could finish the steal.

And now they’re doing the same thing in the stock market.

For decades they have rigged the stock market and their gains have come at YOUR losses.

It was a rigged game for decades, until something changed this week.

Finally this week millions of Americans banded together and beat the hedge funds at their own game, costing them BILLIONS.

And what happened when the hedgies started to lose?

They just pulled out the same game plan that worked in the 2020 election….just ban the people!

Ban the people from buying GameStop.

They literally shut down all buy side pressure in a FREE MARKET.

It’s highly illegal and just plain morally wrong.


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We’re at a turning point in society….we either take our country back and continue the populist uprising that started in 2016 or we roll over and accept defeat.

I know which way I’m going.

There is STRENGTH in numbers….85-100 million of us have incredible strength and it was shown again this week in GameStop.

And here’s the beauty about it…let’s be really clear, I’m not calling for violence, I’m calling for simply beating these CROOKS at their own game!

This is only the beginning.


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