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AOC Didn’t Attend Biden’s Inauguration Because She Does Not “Feel Safe” Around Republicans

AOC plays the victim card yet again.


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez recently revealed on CNN that she and many other Democrats did not attent Joe Biden’s presidential inauguration because they did not feel safe around Republicans.

So much for unity and healing…

To make this kind of statement after Joe Biden’s empty promise of unifying the country is one of the most vile and despicable things AOC could have said.

By playing the victim card yet again, this destroys the credibility of any Democrats attempting to push Biden’s unity message.

It also amps up the rhetoric to 100, paving the way for more hatred and violence against Republicans and Conservatives from violent left-wing extremists.

The Daily Wire has more on AOC and her comments with CNN's Chris Cuomo:

“You knew that people would ask why you weren’t there,” CNN host Chris Cuomo said. “This was a good cause, from your perspective, of dealing with your constituency. But this was supposed to be a show of force, and unity, and you weren’t there. Explain it.”

“Yeah, you know, I think we also had very real security concerns as well, as you mentioned earlier,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “We still don’t yet feel safe around other Members of Congress and—”

“How many are ‘We?'” Cuomo pressed.

“I think a very considerable amount,” Ocasio-Cortez answered. “A lot of members do not feel safe. In fact, just today–”

“You really think that colleagues of yours in Congress, may do you dirty?” Cuomo asked.

“Yes, well, one just tried to bring a gun on the floor of the House today,” she responded. “I believe it was Representative Andy Harris of Maryland. He tried to bring in a gun on to the House floor. For individuals who don’t know, guns are not allowed in the District of Columbia. And certainly the House floor is, there are separate House rules that prohibit the bringing in of firearms. Now, these are rules that date back to the Civil War. And these are individuals that are trying to sneak firearms either illegally or in direct violation of House rules. Why does a member of Congress need to sneak a gun on to the House floor?”

Yahoo has more on AOC's interview with Cuomo:

Ocasio-Cortez cited Rep. Andy Harris as proof of a security threat. The Republican congressman from Maryland reportedly tried to sneak a gun into the House chamber but was stopped by Capitol police, at which point he reportedly tried passing it off to someone else.

Following the deadly insurrection at the Capitol on Jan. 6, carried out in an attempt to stop the certification of Biden’s election victory, some House members have become suspicious that their Republican colleagues may have been in on it. Metal detectors were installed outside the House chamber as an extra precaution, but some members have attempted to flout the new safety measures. Rep. Lauren Boebert, the Colorado Republican who has spoken openly about her desire to carry a gun with her at all times, reportedly clashed with Capitol police on the first day the metal detectors were installed. And some House members have just ignored them after setting them off.

“The moment you bring a gun onto the House floor in violation of rules, you put everyone around you in danger,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “It is irresponsible. It is reckless. But beyond that, it is a violation of rules. You are openly disobeying the rules that we have established as a community, which means that you cannot be trusted to be held accountable to what we’ve decided as a community.”

As many have pointed out, AOC absolutely loves playing the victim card.

AOC Says She Was Unsafe at Border Facility

AOC Whines About Her Victimhood

AOC uses Confrontation to Play the Victim Card


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