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Here’s What I Think After Watching President Trump’s Speech Today at Alamo, TX


President Trump has been noticeably out of the public eye recently.

I made a comment in an article yesterday that he has been unusually “silent” and someone wrote me and said I should have said “silenced”.

As in, by Big Tech.

So true.

Hard to be in the public eye when nearly every platform on Earth is banning your very existence.

But he did speak today, twice.

Once in some short unprepared remarks here:

And later giving a full speech in Alamo, TX.

Note this is not “the” Alamo, but a town with the same name.

Either way, it feels symbolic, doesn’t it?

Here is the full speech:

Every has been asking me all day long what I think after watching it.

And I’ve read your comments too.

First, he does clearly mention the “Biden Administration”.

As soon as people heard that, many lost heart.

Before now, he has never overtly referenced the Biden Administration, only referring to the “next administration” which many believe referenced Pence and other traitors being removed and people like Gen. Flynn being moved in.

So….is it over?

Has President Trump given up?

He has never overtly conceded, but today sounded about as close as I have ever heard.

He also looked tired, at least for him.

I don’t know how this man has stood for four years under all the attacks.

He has stood and seemingly only gained strength as RINOs and DemonRats attacked him from all angles.

Yet today he felt (understandably) tired.

My friend Daniel had some good insight that I want to share with you here:

I think that is all very wise and spot on.

My take is slightly different.

I’ll cut right to the chase.

I have not given up hope.

In the natural, it certainly looks completely lost.

No hope left.

But I just cannot understand how God would bring him this far…..bring US this far….only to have it crumble and be stolen by truly evil, demonic people.

I cannot believe that all the solid prophetic voices ALL got it wrong.

I still think Trump wins, but I think we had to come to a moment where he by himself was completely out of options.

This man is one of the strongest, toughest, most brilliant men I have ever seen.

I think God had to let him get to a point where it was clear to everyone (him included) that he wasn’t able to bring the win by his own strength.

You see, in the Bible God always showed himself strong on behalf of some very ordinary people.

So it would always be very clear who delivered the victory.

I personally believe we had to reach a moment where President Trump knew he tried everything he had and it all failed…..and then I still believe the miracle comes at the last hour.

So it would be CLEAR that the miracle came from God alone.

And I think when that happens you will see the remainder of Kim Clement’s prophecy about President Trump fulfilled.

Where he will not come into office a praying President, but he we will be baptized in the power of the Holy Spirit while he’s in office.

Oh, and just one more thing while I’m on the topic.

I’ve had a lot of people ask me if Biden truly gets in and Trump is out, will I change the name of my website?

Others already have.

Let me just say this very clearly….80 million of us love Trump.

NATIONAL POLL: Do You Still Have Trump's Back 100%?


He won in the biggest landslide we have ever seen in this country.

I believe he will indeed be taking office in a second term.

But regardless of whether he does or doesn’t, we will continue to support him here and we will continue to be!

That’s my promise to you.

Love to know if you support that, let me know in the comments below!


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