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Twitter Permanently Bans Lin Wood’s Account


Censorship is in full throttle.

After lawmakers refused to get rid of Section 230 many Conservatives are feeling the effects of censorship including pr0-Trump Lawyer Lin Wood.

Lin Wood was permanently removed from Twitter after making tweets that called for the arrest of Mike Pence, Mitch McConnell, and John Roberts.

Lin Wood hasn’t been the only Trump supporter that has been silenced on Twitter, Political commentator Dan Bongino has been suspended too.

After getting his main account permanently deleted he tweeted from his back up Twitter account(Fightbacklaw) before that got deleted too:

The Hill dropped these details:

Twitter permanently removed pro-Trump lawyer Lin Wood’s account, a Twitter spokesperson confirmed Thursday.

The spokesperson said Wood’s account was permanently suspended for violating Twitter’s rules. The spokesperson also confirmed Wood’s second account, @fightbacklaw, was also removed.

The spokesperson would not share any further details about the suspension.

After Wood’s primary Twitter account was suspended, Wood posted on Parler, a social media platform popular among conservative voices, that he would be posting on his secondary @fightbacklaw account.

Many conservatives have already been banned from Twitter(myself included) and have made Parler, Gab, and MeWe their new home.

Fox News chipped in too:

Twitter took action against right-wing attorney Lin Wood and permanently banned his account, but critics question the timing of the tech giant’s decision.

A spokesperson for Twitter confirmed to Fox News that Wood was “permanently suspended for violations of the Twitter Rules.”

Wood, along with pro-Trump attorney Sidney Powell, gained national spotlight following the 2020 presidential election for pushing unsubstantiated allegations of widespread voter fraud involving voting machines in several states.

Twitter is only hurting itself.

The more people they ban, the more people flock to Parler, Gab, and MeWe.


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