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CNN And ABC Remove 5,000 Votes From Republican Senator David Perdue During Live Broadcast


Not again!

I wonder if all those RINOS in Congress are regretting their decision to not fight for election integrity now.

During a live broadcast both CNN and ABC News removed 5,000 votes away from Republican Senator David Perdue.

Watch the moment it happened:

The Gateway Pundit covered the story and released these details:

Mutiple people captured videos of the moment that CNN and ABC News removed 5,000 votes from David Perdue in the Georgia Senate Race. Perdue’s vote tally went from 2,130,535 down to 2,125,535.

As the Gateway Pundit reported earlier Tuesday evening, Democrat-leaning Georgia county called it quits for the night with thousands of vote yet to be counted as the two Republican U.S. Senate candidates held on to slim leads after being behind the Democrats most of the evening after polls closed.

Friends, they are using the same exact strategy as last time with no shame at all.

What a disgrace!


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