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White House Tells Trump Staff to STOP Packing Up: “Updated information will be shared in the coming days”


We’ve been telling you something BIG is coming.

Is it here?

President Trump has vowed to fight voter fraud to the end.

He has PROMISED to fight corruption.

And now…

It appears that President Trump and his staff do NOT appear to be going anywhere.

The White House just ordered its staff to STOP packing up.

That’s right.

Trump and White House staffers were preparing to leave the White House, and now an order has gone out telling them to stop packing.

The order also includes the following statement:

Updated information will be shared in the coming days.

Does that sound like a statement from a team that is planning to lose?


Because we are going to win!

More details on this groundbreaking information below:

Originally, White House staffers were preparing to leave the premises.

But a new email told them to stop.

And the email promised that more information would be coming.

This strongly suggests that something is in the works!

The Daily Caller confirms this news:

The Trump administration circulated a set of instructions Tuesday evening to White House staff on how and when to pack up their offices ahead of President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration January 20 but then backtracked Wednesday morning, telling staff to await “updated” instructions

“Please disregard the below message,” the follow up email reads, according to The Washington Post. “Updated information will be shared in the coming days.”

Two White House officials, speaking anonymously as they had not been cleared to discuss the topic publicly, confirmed the about face to Daily Caller.

“It’s just frustrating at this point,” one official said of the mixed messaging, while the second joked about counting down the days until Biden’s inauguration.

The original email — portions of which were first tweeted by CBS’ Weija Jiang Wednesday morning — directed White House staff to begin clearing out their offices the first full week of January, which included cleaning microwaves and refrigerators, returning all White House stationary and other supplies to the appropriate management offices and boxing up and removing all personal items from the White House grounds. The email specifically notes that staffers must bring their own boxes and containers to remove personal items.

If there is one thing that we know about President Trump, it is that he is a FIGHTER!

We don’t know about you, but to us, it’s HUGE news that the White House told staffers to IGNORE departure procedures.

Could that be because there are NO plans to leave?

Like we’ve been reporting, Congress still has to certify the votes on January 6.

Are there now enough Republicans with a SPINE to stand up to the fraud?

The New York Times confirms this small yet monumental shift in directive:

On Tuesday night, White House officials sent an email to staff members telling them that they would start to leave their jobs after Jan. 4, as is the case when a new administration begins on Jan. 20.

But on Wednesday, as President Trump continued to insist he didn’t lose an election that he lost, officials sent a new email to the staff.

“Please disregard the below message. Updated information will be shared in the coming days,” read the second email, both of which were obtained by The New York Times.

The conflicting messages will probably create confusion for a staff that is already led by a president who refuses to acknowledge he lost the election, one who continues to try to find ways to upend the results.

On Tuesday night, an email that went out “regarding the departure process” from the White House Executive Office of the President. Under “Departure Dates” was guidance about staff members leaving their jobs on Jan. 4. A second paragraph gave instructions about the final payroll period.


There are still PLENTY of ways that this can still play out.

From the Courts to the Electoral Count Act, President Trump still has several viable paths to take.

All he needs is our SUPPORT!

We must have President Trump’s back and support him in this fight!


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