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Calling All California Patriots: Share this Message to Put Gavin Newsom Recall on the Ballot


There’s building momentum to recall tyrannical California governor Gavin Newsom (D).

This man is arguably the worst governor in America and getting him out would be a breath of fresh air.

His idiotic leftist policies are gutting California and citizens need to take their state back from this tyrant.

Here’s how close California is to having the recall on the ballot:

The deadline is March 17th, 2021 but the movement is picking up steam like a runaway freight train.

Here’s the list of grievances against the tyrant from the Recall Gavin Newsom page:

Everywhere you look, the failures of Governor Newsom are obvious and appalling to everyone. For this reason, the Recall Gavin 2020 campaign is not conservative or liberal, or right or left, or Republican or Democrat. This is a mass uprising.

Our Recall Gavin campaign is building a grassroots organization with over 80,000 California voters already signed up as volunteers to sign and circulate recall petitions. That number is growing every week. And this is just the beginning.

Are you tired of being locked up, unable to make a living, at the same time as California’s prisons are being emptied? Do you wonder why Gavin Newsom’s cronies are building “supportive housing” for the homeless at a cost of over a half-million dollars per unit, instead of just getting them help in less expensive facilities? Then join the Recall Gavin 2020 movement.

Did you struggle to run a business, even before this lockdown, because of overregulation and the highest taxes in America? Did you lose your livelihood when Gavin Newsom signed AB 5, which made it illegal for many companies to negotiate with independent contractors? Then join the Recall Gavin 2020 movement.

Are you troubled by the growing encroachments on the 1st Amendment; our right to speak our minds, to freely assemble, to congregate whether it’s at church or on the beach? Are you troubled by encroachments on your 2nd Amendment rights, threatening your ability to purchase a firearm to protect yourself, especially now? Then join the Recall Gavin 2020 movement.

Are you ready to take the offensive against the ongoing destruction of our public schools? Have you had it with new laws that make it impossible to hold students or teachers accountable, making many of our schools unsafe? Do you believe you have the right to control what sort of sex education (or indoctrination) your child receives? Then join the Recall Gavin 2020 movement.

Do you wonder how California’s cities, counties, and state agencies will ever pay off their pension debt, or balance their budgets, or stop raising taxes, when Gavin Newsom can’t even cut spending to provide benefits to illegal immigrants, benefits that aren’t even offered to working citizens of California? Then join the Recall Gavin 2020 movement.

We are building an army to recall Gavin Newsom, and if you answered yes to any of these questions, we need you.

Our petitions are available to download now. If you want to do more, contact the coordinator in your county for the Recall Gavin 2020 campaign, and find out how you can circulate petitions. There are many ways to get involved.

Let’s make history! Join Recall Gavin 2020. The path to making California golden again starts right here.

The Epoch Times reported on the recall movement:

The effort to recall California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-Calif.) has lots of momentum and the governor should take it seriously, Rep.-elect Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) said on Saturday.

There’s “huge momentum” building, Issa said on “Fox & Friends,” noting support for the effort both inside and outside the state.

“I think the important thing is that somebody has to have a wake-up call for the governor, or we’re going to go exactly down the road I saw in 2003, where Gray Davis didn’t understand and the people demanded a change, and they got a pretty radical change with Arnold Schwarzenegger.”

Davis, a Democrat, was the first California governor to be recalled.

Schwarzenegger, who ran as a Republican, received the most votes to replace Davis.

Issa at the time was a huge backer of the effort to recall Davis, pouring money into the signature gathering campaign.

In order to put a recall effort to a vote, campaigns to recall governors must garner the support of voters equal in number to 12 percent of the last vote for the office.

If they do so, a recall election is scheduled. A majority vote in that election recalls the official in question.

“I think if he doesn’t take this very, very seriously, a recall is inevitable,” Issa added.

Issa was elected as part of a red wave in California that saw Republicans flip a number of seats Democrats had wrested away in 2018.

Leaders of the recall effort announced this month that they’d collected 800,000 signatures, over half of the 1.5 million they need.

“Today our efforts to Recall California Governor Gavin Newsom have entered a dramatic new phase, and we cannot be prouder of everyone who is working tirelessly to remove America’s worst governor from office,” Orrin Heatlie, the lead proponent of RecallGavin2020, said in a statement.

An extension on the deadline to get the signatures by was granted by a judge on Nov. 6. Proponents now have until March 17, 2021.

If you have any friends or family stuck in “The Golden State,” help turn it from Commiefornia back to California.

Recall the tyrant!


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