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Leftist Ilhan Omar’s Husband Received $500,000 In Covid Bailouts, And Millions From Her Own Campaign

Records show that the D.C. based consulting firm co-owned by Omar's husband received considerable bailouts, including millions from her own campaign


I am sorry.

Most of you reading this have already, probably thrown up in your laps, from the sheer and utter disgust at the blatant corruption.

Outspoken leftist and swamp-hag Ilhan Omar funneled millions of dollars from her own campaign, into her husbands consulting firm, according to various reports.

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Thats not all though! his firm also recieved over $500K in covid related bailouts according to reports. $500K of tax payer money.

Why does a consulting firm need covid releif? they couldnt just take thier operations online?
There is a thing called Zoom, there is also Skype, Microsoft Teams., but i digress.

Ilhan wants to raise your taxes and make you “pay your fair share” so that her and her husband can continue to collect.

Here are the details:



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