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John Roberts Compromised, Now a Member of the “Black Eye Club”


Ok folks, buckle up for this one.

This is sure you rile up a few feathers.

To borrow a phrase from a channel that used to be trustworthy…..”I report, you decide!”

I’m just going to give you a whole lot of reporting here and not draw any conclusions.

YOU can draw your own conclusion.

So the topic is the “Black Eye Club”.

Have you ever heard of it?

What is it they say, once is a fluke, twice is a coincidence, three times is a pattern, and how about 10 times?  20 times?  50 times?

Yeah, exactly.

When something happens that many times you have to stop and ask yourself, “what is going on here?”

That’s the Black Eye Club.

Simply put, a WHOLE lot of politicians and celebrities have all received black eyes recently.

Literal black eyes.


Sure, maybe one or two of them had an operation or had an accident, but SO MANY?

And they all look so eerily similar.

Is something weird going on?

Before we try to answer that question, let me just show you what I’m talking about so you don’t think I’m crazy.

Oh and one more thing….do you actually know any adult who has ever actually had a black eye?

I probably know some 20 year olds who got in a fight.

Or MMA fighters.

Or kids who fall down.

Or people playing sports.

But…..60 year old men?

Nope, can’t say I’ve ever seen that happen.

Yet, it seems to happen to politicians and celebrities a whole lot.

Let’s jump in….

Why is it always the LEFT eye?

And the same exact spot?

Ok, now here’s the latest member….

U.S. Supreme Court CHIEF Justice, John Roberts.

Just a HUGE coincidence, I’m sure:

Now I told you I wasn’t going to draw any conclusions…and I’m not.

I don’t know what is going on, I really don’t.

But I DO know when something is not right, and I will say that….this is not right.

And this is not a coincidence.

Even The Sun has even noticed the trend and had this to say (sure, it’s all just “NUTTY”):

NUTTY conspiracy theorists have claimed celebrities with black left eyes are marking themselves out as members of the ILLUMINATI.

Actors, musicians, politicians, and even the Pope have all been snapped with shiners recently – sparking claims they are members of a secret society.

Conspiracy theorists claim Illuminati recruits are forced to ‘eat pain’ during high-level initiation rituals.

They claim bruised left eyes – known as ‘Illuminati shiners’ are marks given to those who have scaled their way to the top of the sinister organisation.

Radio host Sherry Shriner – who wrote ‘Interview With The Devil’ – said: “You cannot be on TV now, without signing on the dotted line.

“The bizarre recurrence of facial bruises on Illuminati politicians and entertainers has resulted in speculation that their souls have been replaced in a satanic ritual called ‘soul scalping’”.

Shriner, who died last year, claimed all of the world’s leaders have been soul-scalped.

She also claimed to have been able to speak to the devil.

Among the celebs to have sported black eyes over the years are Adam Sandler, Prince Philip, George W Bush, and Liz Hurley.

Prince Andrew showed off one in 2017, while Prince Phillip reportedly “woke up” with one one morning in 2013.

Gossip columnist Perez Hilton claimed a black eye was given to him by Polo Molina – the manager of the Black-Eyed Peas.

Pope Francis had a bad eye cut last year, which he attributed to an accident in the ‘Pope-mobile’.

And George W Bush claimed he had been hit in the face by a microphone stand during a speech.

And I have to end with this.

Because this is the perfect ending….



And THAT is why they hate him.

He’s not in their “club”.

They don’t control him.


More on Robert’s “fall”, from The Hill:

Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts was hospitalized last month after falling at a Maryland country club, the court confirmed Tuesday.

The court told The Washington Post in a statement that the 65-year-old justice fell on June 21 and suffered injuries that required stitches. He was observed at an area hospital overnight and was released the next day.


Supreme Court spokeswoman Kathleen Arberg told the Post that doctors had ruled out any connections between Roberts’s history of having two seizures in 1993 and 2007 and the June incident. Doctors said the fall was caused by dehydration.

“The Chief Justice was treated at a hospital on June 21 for an injury to his forehead sustained in a fall while walking for exercise near his home. The injury required sutures, and out of an abundance of caution, he stayed in the hospital overnight and was discharged the next morning. His doctors ruled out a seizure. They believe the fall was likely due to light-headedness caused by dehydration,” Arberg said.

Arberg did not immediately respond to a request for comment from The Hill.

Roberts last suffered a seizure in June 2007 while at his vacation home in Maine, though there was not immediately an easily identifiable cause. He also spent the night in the hospital after that incident.

The chief justice did not disclose any information about his fall last month and has not revealed any detailed information about his health or the medicine he takes while he’s been on the Supreme Court. Justices typically decide for themselves how much information about their personal health they want to disclose.


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