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Here’s the Michigan Election Video Facebook Won’t Let You See – “Goes Against Out Community Standards”


Facebook won’t let you see this video.

Good thing we will.

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Ok, here was a post from “Deplorable Deb” today reporting an actual video shot by a Trump poll watcher in Michigan.

After she tried to post it to Facebook, they banned it saying it “went against their community standards”.

What a bunch of absolute crap!

Here was her post (scroll down more for the video):

SIGN THE PETITION: Release The Epstein Client List!

This is the video I was showing on my live feed today. Facebook has blocked me saying this video was against their community standard. This is a actual
Live video showing what happened in a Michigan when they would not allow Republicans and Independents to watch the count. Please share and share this video. We are not in a third world country. We have freedom of speech. THIS IS A ACTUAL LIVE VIDEO.

And here is the video.

I saved it to Rumble because they don’t censor.

Watch it here and help us get the message out!

Here you go:


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