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Explain This: Pollster Alleges Biden UNDERPERFORMED Hillary in Every City But Four


It just doesn’t make sense…

None of the “facts” are adding up.

It appears that Joe Biden has officially UNDERPERFORMED Hillary Clinton in every city across America.

With the exception of just 4 cities.

And somehow…

These 4 cities were enough to supposedly deliver Joe Biden the presidency.

These are the claims of pollster Matt Vespa.

He has been analyzing the numbers.

Vespa notes that while it is theoretically possible to happen, it is highly unlikely that this would actually happen.

While it doesn’t prove voter or election fraud, it certainly raises a lot of questions.

And you know the saying…

Where there’s a lot of smoke…

There’s usually a fire.

See more details below:

Despite the fact that Biden his in his basement, we’re supposed to believe that he set the all time record for the popular vote.


This guy… Joe Biden… is supposed to be more popular than Barack Obama???

Or Donald Trump!

In an article published on Townhall, Vespa explains:

Until all the votes are counted and all the allegations of voter fraud are investigated, I think it’s too early to declare a winner in the 2020 race. You keep fighting. For now, the legal challenges are hitting snags in the courts. Still, President Trump should keep fighting to the end. We have dead people voting. We have allegations of ballots being illegally backdated. Everything should be looked at right now.

Was this election stolen? Well, millions feel that way. The turnout numbers are odd in some states, like Wisconsin, which hit 89 percent. Now, is that figure impossible? No. Wall Street Journal’s Kimberley Strassel did the math, but it’s highly improbable given the turnout rates in the surrounding areas. It would require 900,000 people showing up for same-day registrations. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich was blunter last Sunday, when he said, “I think he would have to do a lot to convince Republicans that this is anything except a left-wing power grab, financed by people like George Soros, deeply laid in at the local level, and, frankly, I think that it is a corrupt, stolen election.” He was commenting on Biden’s call for unity. Yet, he also gave a hat-tip to someone we have written about here: Democracy Institute’s Patrick Basham.

“We believe these people are thieves, we believe the big city machines are corrupt,” the former House Speaker said. “Interestingly Patrick Basham, who’s the most accurate pollster, he’s British, wrote in a British newspaper…that this clearly was a stolen election, that it is impossible to imagine that Biden outran Obama in some of these states.”

Indeed, Basham quoted Joseph Stalin’s remarks about elections, where the Soviet dictator mentioned something about how it’s not important who votes but how they are counted, which appears to ring “eerily true” with this race. Basham has more in his piece in the Sunday Express, where he first highlighted how his data was again on the money regarding Democratic turnout, the shy Trump vote, and how the president’s law and order approach prevented catastrophic bleeding with suburban women voters. Suburban white women and urban black males were the shy Trump voters of this year. The president drew 10 million new supporters in 2020. He also took aim at the 2020 pollsters as a whole this cycle as well.

“If you count the ballot fraud, most pollsters clearly failed. If you don’t include the fraudulent ballots, most pollsters failed on a spectacular scale,” wrote Basham. Yet, here’s where things get fishy in the 2020 race which he mentions at the end of his column. He cites Richard Baris of Big Data Poll who noted something funny about Biden’s numbers in the cities, how it lagged behind Clinton’s numbers, but shot off to the moon in these four cities. Just take a look at the states in which these cities are located as well:

How curious that, as Baris notes, “Trump won the largest non-white vote share for a Republican presidential candidate in 60 years. Biden underperformed Hillary Clinton in every major metro area around the country, save for Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta and Philadelphia.”

Robert Barnes, the foremost election analyst, observes in these “big cities in swing states run by Democrats…the vote even exceeded the number of registered voters.”

Trump’s victories in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin were on target until, in the middle of the night, counting was arbitrarily halted. Miraculously, several hundred thousand votes – all for Biden – were mysteriously ‘found’; Trump’s real leads subsequently vanished.

The protracted, eventual outcome will determine the contemporary relevance of Stalin’s observation. No matter who wins, most pollsters already have lost their credibility and influence.

At this point, the election is bigger than Donald Trump.

Do we want him to win?

Do we want to see him inaugurated in January?



If we do not stop Democrat shenanigans now, then Republicans can kiss future presidencies goodbye.

We must make sure the truth is exposed!

If nearly half the population believes the election was unfair, how can we possibly unify?

Democrats keep telling Republicans to “suck it up,” but they were the ones who promoted Russian conspiracy theories for four years.

Politico confirms that 70 percent of Republicans believe the election was unfair:

After the presidential race was called for Democratic candidate Joe Biden, Republicans’ trust in the election system plummeted, while Democrats’ trust soared, according to a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll.

Multiple new organizations announced Biden as the election winner on Saturday after four days of counting in several swing states. Following the news, 70 percent of Republicans now say they don’t believe the 2020 election was free and fair, a stark rise from the 35 percent of GOP voters who held similar beliefs before the election. Meanwhile, trust in the election system grew for Democrats, many who took to the streets to celebrate Biden’s victory on Saturday. Ninety percent of Democrats now say the election was free and fair, up from 52 percent before Nov. 3 who thought it would be.

Among those who believed that the election wasn’t free and fair, 78 percent believed that mail-in voting led to widespread voter fraud and 72 percent believed that ballots were tampered with — both claims that have made a constant appearance on the president’s Twitter thread. Like President Donald Trump, a majority of the people that thought the election was unfair, 84 percent, said it benefited Biden.

The lack of trust in the election system has led to Republicans being more skeptical about the election results. Although only 18 percent of Republicans had said the results would be unreliable prior to Election Day, now 64 percent feel the same way following Biden’s victory. By contrast, 86 percent of Democrats say they trust the results.

Republicans were particularly wary of the results coming out of swing states, especially in Pennsylvania, which counted votes for four days before delivering Biden a decisive win on Saturday. Sixty-two percent of Republicans said the Pennsylvania results would be unreliable, a stark contrast to the 8 percent of Democrats who held the same beliefs.

Distrust is similarly high in Wisconsin (55 percent), Nevada (54 percent), Georgia (54 percent) and Arizona (52 percent). The skepticism has particularly been fueled by the Trump campaign, which has filed more than half a dozen lawsuits in states like Pennsylvania, Nevada, Michigan and Georgia since Election Day. Two days after the race was called for Biden, Trump continues to tweet out that “Nevada is turning out to be a cesspool of Fake Votes” and “Pennsylvania prevented us from watching much of the Ballot count.”

Now more than ever, it’s critical to support President Trump.

He must know that he has the people’s support, so that he can continue to fight for us!

We didn’t like Joe Biden as a basement candidate.

Why would a basement presidency be any better?


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