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Biden’s COVID Task Force Features Member Accused of Profiting Off Lockdowns


We want our leaders pursuing policies that are best for the nation.

But can we trust people who profit from these policies to enact them?

Joe Biden has named Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel to his COVID task force.

The only problem?

There are accusations that Dr. Emanuel PROFITED from the lockdown policies that he endorsed.

How can we trust him to objectively advise Joe Biden?

President Trump, on the other hand, created a successful task force.

His task force created the largest public-private partnership in history.

He also presided over Operation Warp Speed, which has resulted in a vaccine in record time.

More details on Dr. Emanuel below:

Of course, the far left media is covering up for Joe Biden.

If it weren’t for independent sources like WeLoveTrump, the public wouldn’t know about the radicals that Joe Biden appears to be putting in positions of power.

The Washington Examiner has more details on the allegations:

Presumptive President-elect Joe Biden named Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel to his coronavirus task force. Emaunel has been accused of profiting off lockdowns he has advocated for earlier this year.

Emanuel serves as a consultant for COVID-19 RECoVERY Consulting, which works with businesses on reopening and operating during the coronavirus pandemic by navigating laws regarding the virus. The work earned him the ire of former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson in September, who said Emanuel was profiting off the “lockdown that he’s pushing.”

“Zeke is doing good by doing well and doing well by doing good. He has his own consulting firm where he consults with people for profit to make money from giving them recommendations about how to get around and get past the lockdown advice that he’s pushing. The lockdown that he’s pushing,” Berenson told Fox News’s Tucker Carlson in September.

Biden’s transition team named Emanuel to the presumed administration’s coronavirus advisory board Monday, which will be chaired by former Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, former Food and Drug Administration commissioner David Kessler and Yale University’s Dr. Marcella Nunez-Smith.

“Our work begins with getting COVID under control,” Biden said after media outlets claimed him the victor of the 2020 presidential election.

Emanuel, an oncologist, vice provost at the University of Pennsylvania and adviser to Biden, serves with other consultants at COVID-19 RECoVERY Consulting, which touts its ability to decipher “confusing” government guidance on the pandemic.

“We understand guidance from the CDC and other state and federal agencies can be confusing, non-specific, and constantly changing,” the RECoVERY Consulting website says. “Every day, there is more information, conflicting opinions, and new scientific studies that require interpretation, integration, and discernment. Doing so without guidance can be dangerous for you, your employees, and your customers.”

It continues: “Our medical and epidemiological experts offer consulting services with a custom-tailored process to safely increase or restart the productivity of your business, helping you provide jobs and recover income.”

In September, Berenson told a visibly surprised Carlson that Emanuel profits off of lockdowns through the consulting firm. Carlson opened the interview saying Biden will lock down the country at the behest of “partisan operators like Zeke Emanuel,” seemingly prior to learning on-air about Emanuel’s employment at RECoVERY.

“The company is, it’s basically consulting, if you reopen, here’s how to reopen safely. He’s encouraging lockdowns to be in place and to be sort of moved back phase by phase. And then if you have a business where you actually want to have customers, he’s going to tell you, he and others, are going to tell you how you can do that. And I think it’s easy to sort of underestimate how big a business Covid has become,” Berenson added.

“And I’m embarrassed as you say that. First that I didn’t know that about Zeke Emanuel, I should have. And second, that we haven’t spent enough time on this show looking at the economic incentives to continue this,” Carlson said.

Emanuel, who is also lauded as an architect of the Affordable Care Act, said in April that the coronavirus-related safety measures will be in place for the “next 18 months or more.”

Dr. Emanuel was heavily credited for playing a major role in Obamacare.

What other controversial policies will he try to implement under Joe Biden?

It’s not just Dr. Ezekiel.

Dr. Osterholm wants to lock down for up to 8 weeks.


President Trump’s strategy was 15 Days to Slow the Spread.

By the way…

We successfully flattened the curve.

Dr. Osterholm wrote an article for Foreign Affairs articulating the need for such a lockdown:

Herd immunity is a distant and unrealistic prospect, but Americans still have the opportunity to mitigate the suffering and death caused by the disease. The reality is that the only way for the United States to get through Act II with low levels of morbidity and mortality is through more complete lockdowns than were previously implemented in areas with high incidence of infection. Currently, the upper Midwest is the “hottest” area in the country for community-wide transmission, but other areas will see increasing case totals deeper into the fall. The aim at this point, quite simply, should be to cut transmission of the virus as much as possible until the creation and distribution of an effective vaccine.

Such lockdowns should last six to eight weeks with a goal of reaching no more than one new case per day per 100,000 people. This low rate is necessary for testing and contact tracing to have any meaningful effect. Once that rate is achieved, however, local officials will be able to adjust lockdown measures more accurately and with the flexibility the pandemic demands. If the White House and federal government will not lead, which is unfortunately likely under the current administration, the governors of each state, in coordination with their neighboring states, must take the initiative themselves. Some might think this is unrealistic, but New York has been able to maintain this low rate of new infections for the past three months.

Stringent lockdowns, of course, would depend on the continued labor of essential workers, a category we estimate to be no more than 35 percent of the workforce and possibly less. What about other workers? As part of its broader anti-COVID-19 strategy, the federal and state governments should compensate both individual workers and small businesses that suffer substantial or irreparable economic loss as a result of lockdowns. Such support negates the false choice between public and economic health. If carried out successfully, the near-complete shutdowns would be not open-ended but limited in time. And the government has the means to prop up adversely affected workers and businesses. As Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank President Neel Kashkari outlined in an op-ed in The New York Times cowritten with one of us (Osterholm), this fiscal obligation could be covered by the money most Americans who have not lost income are saving by not spending as much during the pandemic—the personal savings rate of Americans has grown from eight percent in January to 20 percent in August. Domestic savings can fund investment in the national economy, a concept that should work equally well in other developed nations. Banks, whose holdings have been boosted by the additional savings, could loan the money necessary for protecting jobs and businesses; Americans would essentially be repaying themselves rather than taking the more traditional route of incurring foreign debt. We believe many people would support a more robust lockdown if they understood that they would not suffer financially. Such a subsidy will actually save money in the long term by preserving jobs and small businesses.

The alternatives to serious lockdowns are insufficient. In areas where the disease is still rampant, masks and physical distancing alone will not get the job done. Business as usual for another six to eight months—until an effective vaccine is widely available—will send current rates of transmission even higher, especially as schools and colleges reopen. By the middle of September, some universities had already canceled in-person classes owing to widespread transmission on campus. Consider how much pain, suffering, and death Americans have endured so far, with no more than ten to 12 percent of the population infected. The next phase could be overwhelming and make Americans look back with nostalgia at the time when new infection rates were still under 100,000 per day.

President Trump warned that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris would be the dream team of LOCKDOWNS.


President Trump appears to have been right… again!


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