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Charlie Shamp: Watch For the Sign of the RAIN and RAINBOW…Watermark? Sting Operation?


Yesterday I brought you two stories:

One was about all the prophets who are not backing down, who say they heard directly from the LORD that Trump is supposed to win a second term.

One of those prophets was Charlie Shamp.

More on him in a moment.

The second story was about whether we are about to witness the greatest military sting operation of all time.

And now I’m wondering if the two stories are about to become tied together.

Yesterday I showed you this video from Charlie Shamp where he doubles down and he stands firm on what he heard:

In that video, he references his prophecy from June of this year.

I have that video for you here:

Here is the typed out version of that June 2020 prophecy:

There is something shifting over Washington. The Lord says, watch for the shifting temperature. Watch for the shifting temperature over Washington D.C. Watch, for the whirling winds, for the storm. The Lord says will be a sign. Not a sign of destruction, but a sign of cleansing. For even over Washington there has been a demonic storm that has attempted to surface. But the Lord says I shall bring a storm and wipe out the darkness. A contrary wind. The weight of my glory shall come in and rest upon the nations capital. The enemy will cringe in fear. People will fall on their hands and knees in repentance, the Lord says. For the will be a tent set up, a tent set up, where the presence will come. Even close, the Lord says, to the white house. There shall be a tent of my presence that will release my power. For there shall be a wind that will be contrary to this demonic storm. The wind will usher in the rain. And the Lord says, Watch for the rain. But the sign will be a rainbow. A rainbow, a rainbow the Lord says, manifesting over the White house. And some will not recognize the sign. They’ll think it is something else. But the Lord says it will be a sign of restoration. It shall be a sign of my promise. The promise of my presence and the restoration. Even as there has been this lockdown and Satan would have used it to sift the body of Christ as wheat. The Lord says, get ready for the harvest for the fields are ripe. And the ark, the place of confinement that you thought you were in during this last storm, shall be a release and place where a new day will come. And people will walk free and be fill with the fire. Watch for the sign the Lord say, a bow, a bow , a rainbow, yes a rain but look for the bow. For it will be a sign of restoration and deliverance. it shall be a sign of the Lords deliverance an open heaven over this nation. An arrow of the Lord’s deliverance. And the peace of God will come. The presence of God will come and rest. Days of refreshing and restoration will come. Look not at the things you see with your natural eye. For gross darkness, great darkness is all around, but the light of God, the light of the Lord, the sevenfold radiation of the Holy Spirit will be seen. The rainbow, the rainbow, marking a new day. When the devil came to steal, kill, and destroy, God has lifted up a banner. A banner of love over this nation. Thus shall be manifested in a sign in a rainbow over the White House for all to see. A bow. It will look like a canopy. It will glow, the glory of the Lord will be seen.
– Prophet Charlie Shamp

Notice in there how many times he talks about RAIN and RAINBOWS.

In other words….water!

Or could it be “watermark”?

Could it be that the watermarks create a rainbow when exposed?

If so, I think the world is about to be stunned.

Here is more on the watermark and why it’s so important.

From my article from yesterady:

Ok folks, buckle up!

I’m not reporting this as true, I don’t know.

But I do find it VERY interesting.

And it just seems like something my President would do.

What I am reporting is that we are FAR from the end of this story.

There is a whole lot to still play out, and I believe Trump will be standing as the victor in the end.

We all know President Trump is not dumb.

He’s a military strategist who spent most of his career studying The Art of War by Sun Tzu….and then implementing it to perfection.

He’s always five steps ahead.

Do you really want me to believe he couldn’t predict they would try to steal the election through the mail in ballots and he didn’t do anything about it?

Didn’t have a plan in place?

Just sat there helpless as they stole it from him?

I don’t buy that for a second.

I repeat….I DO NOT know if this is true, but I find it incredibly interesting.

Is this what happened?

Are we witnessing the greatest military sting operation of all time starting to play out before our very eyes?

Take a look:

That makes A LOT of sense, doesn’t it?

As #17 always says, sometimes you can’t TELL the people, you have to SHOW them.

What better way to “show” the fraud than to let it play out on a grand scale?

Always knowing you held the “Trump card”.

Oh my!

How beautiful it would be!

And after all the fraud was stripped away, would we come to find out President Trump won in a massive landslide?

400 electoral votes?

500 electoral votes?

Keep watching.

Our President is a brilliant man:

The numbers just don’t add up.

Is anyone buying this?

So…what do you think?

Does it make sense?

Does it feel right to you?

Is President Trump about to go down as the best President in the history of our country?

99.9% Fine Silver MAGA Collector Coins!

I can’t think of anything more legendary than if this is truly how things play out.

Oh my!

All will be exposed soon, hang in there.

Keep watching.

Keep the faith.

Keep fighting!


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