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Here’s What Really Worries Me, and It’s Far Scarrier Than Joe Biden


Ok folks, Noah here.

And I’m going to rant for a minute.

This is going to be an OpEd.

Just my opinion and thoughts that I felt I needed to share with you.

As it stands right now, November 4th, the election results look bad.  Really bad.  Fraudulently bad.

We all went to sleep with Trump in the lead in the key remaining battleground states.

There was a clear path to over 270+ for Trump.

All financial markets and betting sites had Trump the odds-on favorite to win.

Then 3-4:00am comes around after they’ve sent all the vote counters home, and suddenly hundreds of thousands of votes are suddenly “found” for Biden.


Is anyone buying that?

The first lawsuit was just filed moments ago by the Trump campaign and we have not seen the end of this yet, not by a long shot.

But here’s what really scares me today….

Not the results, which I think are not set in stone yet.

I’m worried about them, yes, but that’s not my biggest fear.

My biggest fear is what happens for the future of our country.

Even if Trump ends up winning this election, what happens in 4 years from now?

We had the toughest, strongest fighter the Republican party has EVER seen in Donald J. Trump.

He was drawing crowds that have never been seen in American politics — nothing even close.

On the other side, we had the weakest candidate either party has ever put up.

Joe didn’t even bother to campaign.

Didn’t even try!

One side was the party of freedom, free markets, lower taxes and life!

The other party is literally, by their own words, pushing for outright socialism.

And you mean to tell me the election is nearly a draw?

Or worse, Trump could actually lose?

What does that say for the future?

When we don’t have a Lion like Donald J. Trump and when the Democrats run someone with an actual pulse who actually campaigns?

It’s very scary.

I personally don’t believe it.

I think we’re dealing with fraud on a massive scale.

I don’t believe that a guy who can’t string together a sentence, who wants higher taxes and who didn’t campaign is really beating the Lionhearted Donald J. Trump fair and square.

No way.

SIGN THE PETITION: We Need National Voter ID!

The only question that remains…..did the Trump team spring a trap?

Did they have the checks and balance in place to catch and expose the fraud?

Will it all finally be exposed once and for all?

Or have the Democrats finally stolen America?

Time will tell.



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