Ok folks, this is a big one!
The MSM will never tell you this, and Big Tech will try to keep it quiet, which is why you read WeLoveTrump.com!
And why you rely on our email Newsletter.
For the truth.
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When I tell you what’s coming, it will shock you but deep down I think we can all feel it.
It’s all coming to a head right now, can’t you just feel it?
The Fake Russian Collusion story….
Hunter Biden’s Ukraine scandal….
Hunter Biden’s laptop….
Seal Team 6….
The fake Bin Laden kill….
Joe Biden and Hunter Biden’s (illegal) Ukraine and China ties….
Anthony Weiner’s laptop (we didn’t forget about that)….
And of course Hillary Clinton.
Oh, and Barry Obama.
Yes folks, all of these separate stories are all coalescing and coming together all at the same time.
And it just feels like the balloon is about to pop, doesn’t it?
I think it will pop VERY soon, perhaps even this week.
I came across this video that spells it all out and I thought it was incredible.
This guy is connected and has accurately predicted what would happen in D.C. in the past.
And I think he’s spot on here, I can just feel it in my gut.
So let me give you a preview of what he says.
You need to watch the FULL video (at 2x speed) but here’s a short preview of what he says to get ready for seeing happen over the next 2 weeks:
Anthony Weiner’s laptop gets leaked out and there are some very DAMNING images and videos.
Remember that old story of seasoned, veteran New York City police officers and FBI agents who said they watched some of the videos with Weiner and Hillary and nearly puked?
Those are coming out soon.
That’s the soft disclosure before we roll into Hunter Biden’s laptop.
Then all of those images, videos and email chains will come out and it will be devastating!
It will sink Joe Biden’s campaign, but way beyond that we’re looking at life in prison sentences if not execution for treason.
The type of things that will shock the conscience.
Read More: Here’s What Happens Next After The Elites Are Exposed In Compromising Videos…
But it won’t be smooth sailing.
If you thought the censorship this week was bad, get ready for stuff you haven’t even seen yet.
Windows will try to force an update of their computers.
The update will all censorship at the browser level on Microsoft Internet Explorer and Chrome Browsers.
The same with the Android operating system for Android phones.
It’s why I tell you all the time to get the Brave Browser and ONLY use Brave.
You can get it here:
Also make sure you’re subscribed to our Newsletter.
It’s much harder for them to censor our direct emails to you.
Here’s more!
In the video, he says get ready for a “glitch” to be announced in the National Emergency Broadcast System.
That’s the network hardwired into every cellphone where President Trump can send a message to every person in America if needed in an Emergency.
You might remember it being tested recently.
Well get ready to see it go down.
Censor all the Big Tech social media, take over and control the major news outlets, and then the last outlet for President Trump to get a message out will go down.
Get ready folks.
When you see that happen, that will be the signal.
Watch for it.
Ok, there’s so much more in here but I’ll let you watch (at 2x speed) for yourself.
Just click the gear icon and change playback speed.
Ok, here you go:
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