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Pence Goes Hard After Kamala Harris on Her DA Record

Pence to Harris: "When you were DA in San Francisco, African-Americans were 19 times more likely to be prosecuted for minor drug offenses than Whites and Hispanics."


Anyone with a set of ears could see that Mike Pence just absolutely wiped the floor with Kamala Harris in the VP debate.

Pence frustrated Harris all night into awkward smiles, laughs, and dirty looks.

Perhaps the real haymaker came when Pence went after Harris’s record as a DA in San Fransisco.

Pence said: “When you were DA in San Francisco, African-Americans were 19 times more likely to be prosecuted for minor drug offenses than Whites and Hispanics.”

Harris then doubled down on her own record before asking for time to respond, and then repeating herself.

The New York Post has the story on Pence's absolute desolation of Harris's record:

Vice President Mike Pence slammed his Democratic challenger, Sen. Kamala Harris, at the Wednesday vice presidential debate over racial disparities during her time as a prosecutor.

“When you were when DA in San Francisco, when you left office, African Americans were 19 times more likely to be prosecuted for minor drug offenses than whites and Hispanics,” Pence told Harris (D-California).

“When you were Attorney General of California, you increased the disproportionate incarceration of blacks in California.”

He added: “You did nothing on criminal justice reform in California. You didn’t lift a finger to the First Step Act on Capitol Hill. The reality is your record speaks for itself. President Trump and I have fought for criminal justice reform… and we’ll do it for four more years.”

Harris was the district attorney of San Francisco from 2004 to 2011 and oversaw 1,900 marijuana convictions, according to the Mercury News.

She did not refute Pence’s statistics, but replied: “First of all, having served as the attorney general of the state of California, the work that I did is a model of what our nation needs to do and we will be able to do under a Joe Biden presidency.”

Harris continued, “Our agenda includes what this administration has failed to do. It will be about not only instituting a ban on chokeholds and carotid holds.”

Debate moderator Susan Page of USA Today interrupted Harris, saying, “these are points that you made earlier.”

Here's Twitter reaction to Pence's attack:


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