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Kamala Harris Asked Who the ‘Best Rapper Alive’ is, Answers ‘Tupac,’ Twitter Blasts Her

Kamala Harris thinks Tupac is the best rapper alive today.


Is there any politician who panders as often and as unsuccessfully as Kamala Harris?

Harris was asked by CNN commentator Angela Rye who she thought “the best rapper alive” is.

Harris answered: “Tupac.”

I’m not sure where Harris has been the last 24 years, but he’s been dead since 1996…

This woman just can’t help herself. 

She panders so hard for love and attention, and she does so in a way that reveals just how fake she actually is.

Here's the Washington Examiner with yet nother embarassing Harris gaffe:

Kamala Harris named Tupac Shakur as the "best rapper alive" before quickly correcting herself and declining to name another rapper.

The answer from the California senator and Democratic vice presidential nominee came during a rapid-fire question-and-answer session at an NAACP Conference on Friday with CNN commentator Angela Rye.

Shakur, who was killed in 1996, has been the subject of numerous conspiracy theories pushed by fans who think that the rapper either faked his own death or has been in hiding for the past 24 years.

"Listen, West Coast girls think Tupac lives on — I’m with you," Rye said as Harris laughed.

"Not alive, I know, I keep doing that," Harris said.

Yes, you do "keep doing that" Kamala.

It's called lying and pandering.

Of course, after answering incorrectly, she did try to think of a living rapper.

She decided on the answer: "I mean, there's so many."

Twitter let Harris have it after this gaffe.


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