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Biden Spokesperson Says “Just a Joke” When Biden Told Our Troops: “Clap You Stupid Bastards!”


Just a joke huh?

That’s what the Biden Campaign Spokesperson says we are supposed to believe.

But I thought jokes are supposed to be funny?

I don’t see the punchline here, maybe I’m missing it?

Here is Joe Biden giving a speech overseas and telling our troops where were the audience to “clap you stupid bastards”.


Not edited.

Not fake.

Watch for yourself:

And a backup here:

The USA Today has published a story saying the video is real but Biden said it jokingly:

Footage is real, but campaign claims Biden made the remark 'jokingly'

The footage of the moment is real. It was from a trip to Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, on March 7, 2016, and he was speaking with troops stationed at Al Dhafra Air Base.

Lt. Karen Johnson — a native of Wilmington, Delaware — introduced Biden to the rest of the troops, per a video from The Washington Examiner. Later in his speech, Biden told the crowd that he had appointed Johnson to "the academy," a reference to one of the nation's five service academies.

After that remark, expecting applause, Biden encouraged the troops to clap for Johnson in part by calling them "stupid bastards."

Once they began to applaud, he continued, "Man, you are a dull bunch. Must be slow here, man."

However, Andrew Bates, a spokesman for his campaign, said it was a joke.

“Vice President Biden was jokingly encouraging the audience to clap for an airwoman on the stage, and a number of service members can be seen laughing and smiling at the comment. Seconds before, he praised them for 'the incredible sacrifices (they) make for our country,’” Bates told The Daily Beast.

The Daily Beast confirms the claim that it was just a funny joke:

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s campaign has confirmed the accuracy of a recently resurfaced video showing him jokingly calling military troops “stupid bastards” and “a dull bunch” during a trip overseas, but said that they were made in jest as a way to garner greater applause for a female service member’s commitment to the country.

“Vice President Biden was jokingly encouraging the audience to clap for an airwoman on the stage, and a number of service members can be seen laughing and smiling at the comment. Seconds before, he praised them for 'the incredible sacrifices [they] make for our country,’” Biden campaign spokesperson Andrew Bates told The Daily Beast exclusively in a statement.

“He thanked them for their patriotism and courage throughout, and closed his remarks by saying, 'you’re the finest generation of warriors the world has ever, ever known'—receiving an enthusiastic ovation,” Bates said.

Biden made the utterance during a speech in Abu Dhabi on March 7, 2016 while he was serving under former President Barack Obama. He said: “I’ve been in and out of the Balkans 25 times; in and out of Iraq 26 times; in and out of Afghanistan about 10 or 12 times. And I have one regret every time I’m with you all—and I mean this sincerely—is the folks back home can't see you; can't see you in place. Don't get to fly on the mission with you. Don't understand—they appreciate, but they don't fully understand the incredible sacrifices you make for our country,” according to the official transcript, which was archived in the White House’s Office of the Vice President.

Biden then attempted to crack a few jokes. “And I want you to know notwithstanding what you may hear about me, I have incredibly good judgment. One, I married Jill. And two, I appointed Johnson to the academy. I just want you to know that. Clap for that, you stupid bastards. (Applause.) Come on, man. Man, you are a dull bunch. Must be slow here, man. I don't know,” he said.

While video of Biden’s speech highlighting the “stupid bastards” portion of his comments has been available on YouTube since 2017, it began to gain traction on the pro-Trump internet late Friday afternoon, appearing on pro-Trump forums like “The Donald.” The clip was also circulated on Twitter by pro-Trump personalities like Students for Trump founder Ryan Fournier and One America News staffer Jack Posobiec.

And of course if you're like me, this moment reminds you immediately of another "please clap" moment.

A softer and gentler version, from low-E Jeb Bush. 

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If you thought I was gonna run this entire article and NOT play you this clip, you'd be very mistaken.

Behold, still one of my favorite clips of all time:

Who did it better?

Jeb or Joe?

Both losers in my book.


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