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Axios Reports: Dem Firm Predicts HUGE Trump Win, Followed By Overturn After Late Mail-In Ballots

The Democrat playbook is becoming clearer.


Brace yourselves for more controversy heading into this year’s election, especially right after election day.

If you think the Democrats have already pulled out all the stops to prevent President Donald Trump from winning re-election, you are sadly mistaken.

A top Democratic data firm just admitted that President Trump will appear to win a ‘landslide’ victory come election day, only to have mail-in votes appear a week later that completely (magically?) flip the results in Joe Biden’s favor.

They aren’t even hiding their playbook anymore.

Instead, they’re giving out pages of it piece by piece in preparation for the bait and switch.

This is why Democrats refuse to condemn the rioting (Kamala Harris, in fact, says they “will not” and “should not” end).

Riots perpetuate the spread of coronavirus.

This is why Democrats keep saying that it’s ‘not safe’ to go out and vote.

This is why they are pushing mail-in ballots, which have historically been linked to election fraud.

This is why they keep laying the pre-determined narrative that Trump will not accept the results of the election. 

This is why Hilary Clinton just told Joe Biden ‘not to concede the election under any circumstances.’

They are laying the groundwork for election fraud.

It’s simple: After election day, they will know exactly how many votes they need to make up in order to “win.”



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