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CONFIRMED: Nick Sandmann Joins Mitch McConnell’s Campaign!


More great news out today for Nick Sandmann and the Republicans!

Sandmann has joined Mitch McConnell’s campaign.  

Fox News reporter Chad Pergram broke the story:

Here are more details on the developing story, from the NY Post:

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s campaign has hired a Kentucky teenager known for his viral encounter with a Native American man at the Lincoln Memorial last year.

Nick Sandmann landed a paid position as grassroots director for McConnell’s reelection effort in Kentucky, the senator’s campaign said Friday. Sandmann started his new role this month, and McConnell campaign manager Kevin Golden said they’re “excited” to have him on board.

As grassroots director, Sandmann will assist in developing field operations and building coalitions.

“Along with our already strong team, his efforts to bring people together all across Kentucky will be critical to Senator McConnell’s victory this November,” Golden said in a statement.

Sandmann, a Transylvania University student, tweeted Thursday: “finally got to add more to my bio than just my schools.”

McConnell, the top congressional ally to President Donald Trump, is seeking a seventh term. His Democratic challenger is Amy McGrath, a retired Marine combat pilot who has raised huge amounts of campaign cash but faces an uphill fight against McConnell in conservative-leaning Kentucky.

Covington teen rails against liberal media during RNC speech
Sandmann was in the national spotlight again at this week’s Republican National Convention. He gave a speech accusing news outlets of being driven by “anti-Christian, anti-conservative, anti-Donald Trump” bias in reporting on his encounter at the Lincoln Memorial.

And from local WCPO:

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's campaign has hired a Kentucky teenager known for his viral encounter with a Native American man at the Lincoln Memorial last year.

The senator's campaign said Friday that Nick Sandmann has landed a paid position as grassroots director for McConnell's reelection effort in Kentucky.

Sandmann started his new role this month, and McConnell campaign manager Kevin Golden said they're "excited" to have him on board. As grassroots director, Sandmann will assist in developing field operations and building coalitions.

Watch his full speech here:


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