“Believe all women.”
That was the mantra that was shoved down our throats by Democrats.
Except it wasn’t ever really something they believed in.
Apparently we’re only supposed to take any accusation against a Republican as fact.
And what if a Democrat, such as Joe Biden, is accused of assault?
Well, that’s not really something we should look in to.
During her DNC speech, Kamala Harris stated “I know a predator when I see one.”
Apparently she was referring to President Trump, but she shouldn’t have looked any further than her running mate!
Watch the clip below from Harris’s speech:
Liberals, such as New York Times writer Nicholas Kristof, swooned at Harris's statement:
But as the New York Post reminds us, it wasn't that long ago that Harris actually stated that she believed Biden's accusers:
By the standard of her own ample public record, Kamala Harris has just joined the presidential campaign of a serial sexual abuser, Joe Biden.
It was during the Brett Kavanaugh hearings that we first learned that Harris harbors serious presidential aspirations. Her cross-examination of the future justice went viral, prompting Politico to speculate: “Kamala Harris Rides Kavanaugh Rage in Likely 2020 Bid.”
She later explained her hard-line position in an Atlantic magazine interview. Sexual assault, she said, “is an issue right now that is where the issue of domestic violence was about 30 years ago. … There was a perception about domestic violence: ‘Oh, you know, what happens in the king’s castle is the king’s business. That’s private business. That’s not our business.’ But then we evolved as a society. … I believe this is an inflection moment on the issue of sexual assault.”
The explicitly stated assumption behind all this was that the allegations against Kavanaugh, spurious, unproved and uncorroborated though they were, had to be believed — because women had made them.
Harris beefed up her #MeToo credentials later, making it clear she doesn’t just believe women accusing Republicans of sexual assault. All women had to be believed, including those who accused prominent Democrats. At a campaign event in Nevada in April 2019, Harris discussed the allegations against Biden, declaring of the accusers: “I believe them, and I respect them being able to tell their story and having the courage to do it.”
So Biden is an abuser — because women have accused him, and all women should be believed. Right?
So what has changed since then? Sexual assault and harassment are some of the most serious allegations that can be leveled against a man. Harris now needs to account for why she is comfortable joining an abuser’s 2020 ticket. This isn’t some debate-stage policy disagreement she can just walk back, claiming she has “evolved.”
There are only two possibilities. One is that Harris didn’t, in fact, believe Biden’s accusers but claimed she did to score political points against him. If so, she used the very serious issue of sexual assault as a cheap political cudgel.
The other possibility is that she still believes the ex-veep’s accusers but is comfortable teaming up with an abuser (not to mention a racist, another charged accusation Harris has thrown Biden’s way).
It's probably really easy for Harris to overlook the accusations against Biden, seeing as he picked her for the VP slot.
Check out the blasting Harris received on Twitter over her speech:
As Page Six reports, Rose McGowan, an actress-turned-activist who has been working to uncover Hollywood's sexual assault problem, went after Harris for her disingenuousness regarding sexual assault accusers:
Rose McGowan has attacked Kamala Harris for once accepting a donation from disgraced Hollywood tycoon Harvey Weinstein.
The “Charmed” actress tweeted about the California senator last week after she was tapped as presumptive Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden’s running mate.
“Did you return the money Weinstein gave you? @SenKamalaHarris How many predators bankroll you?” McGowan tweeted last Wednesday.
The post also included a retweet of records showing that Harris took donations from Ivanka Trump and President Trump during her 2014 re-election campaign for California attorney general.
After sexual misconduct allegations against Weinstein broke in 2017, a slew of Democrats, including Harris, announced they’d be giving the disgraced producer’s donations to various charities.
Weinstein donated $5,000 to Harris — $2,500 in 2014 when she was running for attorney general and another $2,500 during her run for Senate in 2017, according to the Baltimore Sun.
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