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Complete Chaos in Chicago After an Officer Involved Shooting


Is looting just going to continue to happen and we have to just get used to it or will liberal governors and mayors get their priorities straight?

Looting and brawls with police across Chicago’s Magnificent Mile shopping district are taking place after a police-involved shooting hours earlier that left a young male wounded.

Fox News reported the story first and gathered these interesting details:

The unrest began Sunday afternoon, after police responded to a report of a man with a gun in the city’s Englewood neighborhood. While pursuing that individual on foot, he “turned and fired shots” at officers before being struck himself and taken to a local hospital, Deputy Chief Delonda Tally told Fox 32 Chicago. A crowd that had gathered at the scene then faced off against police and started hurling objects at officers after getting agitated over a false rumor that the suspect – who is in his late teens or early 20s – was a child, investigators add.

“We do have an officer that was maced by someone in the crowd,” Tally told Fox 32 Chicago. “We do have an officer that sustained a shoulder injury from the incident with the crowd. One of our vehicles, the windows were shattered by a brick.”

Police later tweeted an image of a gun they said they recovered at the scene.

As of Monday morning, the suspect’s condition is unknown, while Chicago’s Civilian Office of Police Accountability has launched an investigation into the shooting. Three officers involved in the shooting also were taken to a local hospital for observation, Fox 32 reported.

Following that initial unrest, the looting erupted in the Magnificent Mile and other parts of Chicago’s downtown.

CBS News had this to say about the widespread looting:

CHICAGO (CBS)–  In what appears to be a widespread, coordinated attack, dozens of stores, banks and other businesses were broken into across downtown Chicago overnight. The looting spread from the Loop, up to the Near North Side.

The unrest started around 11 p.m. Sunday and cause is still unknown at this time, but it does appear to be a coordinated effort. Video shows multiple cars parked on the streets as people ran out and broke into stores. CBS 2’s Ryan Baker reports that former Bears player Patrick Mannelly witnessed the looting from his high-rise condo and saw cars driving up to a U-Haul truck and putting stolen goods into the trailer.

“This was no accident; this wasn’t random,” Baker reported.



There is utter chaos in Chicago and it’s happening right underneath a Democratic Mayor’s watch. Who would’ve guessed?





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