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RESULTS ARE IN: Do You Personally Choose To Wear a Mask When You Go Out In Public?


Yesterday I asked you if you personally choose to wear a mask when you leave the house (when not forced to).

I was very interested to see the results, and I have them for you here.

This tells us a lot about everyone's mindset right now.

Please enjoy:

*NATIONAL POLL*:  Do You Personally Choose To Wear a Mask When You Go Out In Public?  Explain below...👇
Yes but not a huge fan especially when the weather is hot or for an extended period of time.
I do most of the time because I just want to avoid any unwanted comments and conversations with hysterical nut cases.
Absolutely not!
No, they are not good for my health, nor anyone else's.
Only if I  have to. The only mask that protects me is the N95
No, I don't personally choose to do so, but I am made to do so.  I would rather do personal space and show good hygiene skills.  That is what has been proven to help. Plus the masks are causing problems in healthy people now. I have blisters on my tongue that I believe is caused by the masks.
No. I am forced to.
I wear a mask when I enter a business that has the governor's order posted because I people believe it helps protect them and I don't want to add to their fear.  I know that it doesn't protect me or them.
Yes, I wear a mask when ever I am in a public place with many other people.  Also, many stores require a mask be worn in order to enter.
No, when I do I wear it below by nose and sometimes at the bottom of my chin.  Very rarely do I get called out on it. When I do, I am very nice and reply that, we still live in a free country. I am the only one responsible for myself.  Not the government.  That is why I am so healthy and have not been sick in decades.
I wear one when I am asked to, at the same time I avoid as much as possible those places.

No I prefer fresh air. I live in NH
Yes I do.  Not taking any chances.
No. I try NOT to wear a mask if I can get by with it. Hard for me to breathe thru it
No. I wear it to be allowed to buy groceries.
No,I do not wear one.If I have to have one to get in store,I have it,but so far not been made.

I choose not to wear a mask and resent being forced to
No, but I have no choice!  I live in liberal Washington state!  Ugh!  Outside, however, NO, I do not wear one....although I could probably get in trouble for that and/or harassed by a delusional liberal for not!
Yes I do. I have a lung condition that requires one.
No I only wear a mask when I absolutely have to.
I only wear one whe required upon entering a business. If I am outside, I refuse to wear one.
No... And I only wear one to get through the door, after that I remove it... This whole thos is sham cooked up by other people to ruin our country...
Yes, I do.  I am following the law, however misguided.
No, I do not choose to wear a mask in public; however, I will not let putting on a mask for short periods of time keep me from doing what I want.  If my profession requires it, then I will be wearing a mask...unhappily.
No !

No way! Anti mask 100%
No. I have breathing problems
Yes I wear when when out of my car or house. I prefer safe over sorry
Yes but I am 74 and don't know who is right I don't want to chance it
yes...can't hurt...
No Don't believe they are necessary
I try not to I have trouble breathing with it
No, I think it's all a political scam
Only when I have to. I pull it down when no one is looking or when no one is around. If I have to wear the mask for a period of time, afterwards my lungs feel like I have to cough something up. Breathing in what I should be breathing out is unhealthy. I am so over this.

I would prefer not to wear one, but just to be on the safe side, I usually do when I go where there is a crowd.
Heck NO!
Yes, only because small shops prefer it & so many people have bought into the fear.
Only when I have to because it is mandated at stores, etc.
No but I do it so that businesses can stay open and make money so that they can provide for their families...since we have so many bureaucracies and they are threatening to take away business licenses if you don't follow the "rules". I am tired of people always looking over my shoulder and running to tell mommy what I am doing!
I only wear one where signs say they are required to enter
Only if required
Masks should be worn in crowded environments at the present time.
Because “now it's time of biological war evolution”

Yes, because others go nuts if you don’t have one on. Some places won’t like you in. I do it to avoid the hassle.
I do it because it's mandadory.
No I do not believe in masks

Yes all the time it’s for protection of my family
Yes.  High Risk
NO! I think they are useless and cause more harm then good
Never outside and only if stores require it for entry, and then I put on as I am entering.
No. I am healthy and can easily avoid droplets. I do that all the time in flu season.
Yes I do wear a mask each time.  If it protects just 1 person, or me, then that's all the reason I need.
It's not worth the risk to not wear one.  You don't see the medical community not wearing masks.  They fought to get them.
I also believe in "Faith Not Fear."  However, I believe in personal responsibility too.
No, I have COPD, I use a shield only because I can't go anywhere without one. The governor of California is an anti people control freak who is now ticketing people who don't wear one!

Only in mandated stores since I’m tired of dealing w/ minimum wage employees acting as CA Governor NewScum’s police!
I wear a mask because of force not fear
No its mandated in stores. However its not enforced.  I am going to stop and see what happens.  Hubby in and out of Home Depot x2 with no problem. Lady in Aldi told me no problem except Sprouts Grocery.
No, of course its now "mandated" in MN but I'm still only wearing it 50% of the time. Before Fuhrer Walz "mandated" it, I never wore a do-nothing mask; I was even suspended a day for not properly wearing it at my state job, what a joke!
Only when I have to, not because I choose to.
I do not choose to but I do out of respect not fear.
No. I have difficulty breathing. Also I am not a Muslim. Why is it the Muslim women have worn masks all their lives yet they are getting covid as well?
$500 fine is my biggest incentive to wear one. I’ve been Whitmered😡
Only if I absolutely have to.
Yes, I respect the law in regards to the retail establishments guidelines. I do not want to cause any entity to be penalized because I refuse to follow their requirement under the law. But - if management and staff are not wearing a mask I take the liberty of not wearing, at times. ....... At 82 years of age I do wear a mask when in a place where separation is not adequate.  .... Also, if my wearing a mask makes others more comfortable, count me in!
I only wear one to go in a store because it is required in my city to be in a store.  I wont go in restaurants or bars until not required.
Yes.  There are medical professionals on both sides of the aisle so you have to make your own choice.
Only when I go into stores because I have to...  Should be a personal choice.
I do, except when I do my morning walk in the park I keep it on but under my chin and if I have someone not keeping social distance I pull it up.
If a business requires it I do.  Otherwise I don't wear one.
No, Mask do more harm than help safe life if not in life and death situation, covid 19 is just a common flu stay home if you sick and keep distance from other people, wash your hand. Mask other hand will make you sick because you breath in your own toxic if have to wear a long period of time.
No.  But many places of business require them.
Certain stores and drs. Mostly no.
No. I keep my distance
No, but it's REQUIRED in many retail areas.
No way. If an establishment will not admit customers who don't wear a mask, then I will not patronize them. They are falling into the trap set by those despicable bast*ards (like Soros, Obuma, Gates, that weasel Fauci and the DEMONcrats) to ruin our country and economy in order to control the American people and try to prevent Trump from getting reelected.  This reeks of socialism and communism which is the goal of the leftist regime.
Yes as I am over 65
No, it's forced by my Nazi governor, Wolf
Sometimes. I do not wear a mask when the situation calls for not wearing one like modeling outdoors. The mask would ruin the photo. I do not wear a mask in my car. I will only wear a mask when I’m in a store, like cvs or Walmart, Doctors office, or mall.

No I do not like to but I do it. I personally feel it really does not help
No I do not I’m not sick , mask are for the sick
Yes I do!
No I do not I should have a choice to wear it or not wear it that is my god given right
I don't have a choice, you cannot go into anywhere without one.
I put it on when I go into stores. Otherwise I don't wear one.
NO!! I think it is useless to wear any of these so called mask for Covid 19! I think they are useless for any viruses. For a deadly virus you would have to wear a full suit,  with a hood, gloves and oxygen. I refuse to wear a mask for four reasons, first one is I can't breath with them on I have Asthma, second I think it's bad and unhealthy for anyone to wear these mask unless your in the medical field, third I think these mask are just another political stunt from the corrupted Liberals on controlling us for their plan for Socialism and having mail in voting only, Fourth this is all BS!!!! I 100% believe people and children that are being forced too wear a mask all day will start having lung problems! I also believe it's unconstutional forcing Americans to wear a mask. My rant is over 😊
No, only to enter stores that require them. If you're not sick or having any symptoms Whats the point!
Yes, always! I am 84 and have both heart and lung issues, so would be asking for trouble if I didn't!
Hello, NO! I will not comply and I will not be a frightened little sheeple, terrified of a virus with a 99.98% survival rate.
Sometimes, when it's required.
No I do not wear one and should not be required to if I choose not to.That is my choice and freedom and it should not be taken from me.
Only because my neighbors have compromised immune systems
Why do we need to wear a mask when the people making the mandates don't wear one? These are evil and corrupt people.  I only wear one if I have no choice. I think it's totally stupid.
If I go where it is required. They are very hard to breathe through, and in this 90+ weather, HOT very hot.
only wear a mask when it is required.  I hate them and don't think they accomplish anything.
Not always
Yes, I do wear one in places that say they require masks.  When I take my dogs for a walk in the park I don't wear one.
I do not wear a mask unless they make me.
Yes I do. I don’t want to and I don’t like to. But given the recent spike due to stupid protesters I am forced to. I have been fortunate that during this entire time my family and I have stayed safe and I believe masks and staying home have helped. My kids are going back to school in the fall and will wear masks at school. Again I don’t want to, but I do it to keep myself safe.
No! Unfortunately I live in a crazy state that has mandated them!
Yes, and I wear mine correctly!
I do now, because it’s a state mandate. Everywhere you go in MN, masks are now required for admittance. I hate it, but I don’t wish to be arrested, either.
No, unless im not allowed in without one, then i wear it by force, not fear!
No, I only wear one when forced to!

Yes I do, but it is a mask as seen on the man with the red baseball hat.
NO only when absolutely required or forced to (UNCONSTITUTIONAL)
On where required
No, only when required.
Yes, when I go inside any commercial facility out of respect for others feelings. Doesn’t hurt me, and even if it’s only psychological, helps others. My mother and sister are two of those who are panicked and no matter what type of common sense approach I take I can’t alleviate their fears. So many others have succumbed to the psych-ops so I try to treat them respectfully.
YES,I hope to keep others as safe as I want to be
No, I do not wear a mask in public. I think it's bunk!
No I do not to be contolled.
No, however Manatee county in FL has mandated wearing masks in all stores otherwise you get a $50.00 fine
No, only when required to enter a building.
Yes always
No, I refuse to wear one no matter what.
No I do not. Only when forced.
In Commifornia, King Newscum has mandatory order out ! But can't go to work etc.... Unless protesting 😠.           WWG1WGA 🇺🇸
No.  It pisses me off.
I think masks are useless unless you are already sick.
NO, have not from the beginning.  Only when I have to in order to get in a store.  Those masks collect germs as you breath in and you are breathing through them every time you inhale.
Of course, I prefer laced or mesh masks
No. Only where required.
No. I don't own a mask. Never will. It's Communist for control and submission.

No. Because of free enterprise businesses have the right to require a mask and if I choose to do business with them I will wear a mask.

No! I only wear when I have to!
I only wear a mask to keep the businesses out of trouble as I don’t want to see them go through more shut downs.
No.  I do wear one when entering a business entity, but only because of threat of prosecution and/or fines.  Will not wear while outdoors, in my car or home.  Masks are all about the narrative, stoke the fear, maintain control.

No. If I wear one it's paper thin. You can see my face through it. It's only for compliance.
No, I don't think it does a thing unless you are in a confined space for ten to 20 minuteswith someone who has a virus.  Otherwise, it's not effective.  I don't wear a mask outdoors ever......only put one on if I'm going inside an establishment that requires one.
Yes I wear if I must but only because I care about others.
Yes I do..
I do because it is better to be somewhat safe.   Also many stores require this and they have the right to request that their customers comply.
No ! I boycott businesses that try to require masks.
I do not wear a mask.  I choose not to.  I am not a sheep.
I would choose not to wear mask if I weren't allergy to dust and pollen, because. The mask can only minimize from what you breathe in, not 100%, but. The mask could be a bothersome to everyone to wore if no needed, beside. The mask carry what ever you breathe in and out, mucus from your nose, sweat from your face and what ever in the environment, in the air. If you wore the mask out side for such of time, I would be very sure you would caught what ever are on the mask. The mask would not be a comfortable thing to wore all the time if you were not in condition must used.
I only wear them because they are mandated, I hate them, they lower your oxygen and raise anxiety - not healthy at all!

Only when I have to. Wear one in stores and at work.
Some time
Bib don,t choose, I just follow rules
I wear a mask if the business requires it.  Also if I feel that I’ll be in an area with others that are more vulnerable, I’ll choose to wear a mask.  Outside of those conditions I don’t wear a mask as I don’t see the added benefit.
No, am forced in order to even buy groceries
No. Only when walking into stores, etc. Outside, unless congregating in a group close together, it's not needed!
I would choose to NOT wear a mask if given the choice But I live in commiCalifornia.
No I do not. It's my body my choice!!!!
I wear a mask for at least 8 hours straight every day as an essential worker as we are required to wear them.  Even if I was not required to wear one, I would still wear one to protect myself.  I wear one when I go to any public places outside of my work. I look forward to the day when we do not have to wear a mask.
No , they are ineffective and unnecessary for a virus with a 98% survival rate . We did not have masks when Obama was in office for the swine flu which affected millions more than covid-19 has . The masks are being used as a political tool by the liberal Democrats to influence the 2020 elections .
No. I am mandated to wear a mask while in-store by decree of Washington State's Governor.
No I do not. It's unhealthy and decreases your immunities. I'm not putting my health at risk.

I do Because it’s Mandatory in my state can’t afford the fine
No, I do not! I only wear one, if it's mandated for the place I'm at. Dollar General, does not require it, even though it's state mandated. Kroger, is the only place it's enforced, and the only place I make my grandsons, and I wear it. Doctors offices, and the hospital force it. I can't wait for this to be over!
No I don’t wear one. I have seen that studies have proven they don’t protect from viruses and feel that the risks they pose to me outweighs any tiny benefit they may have towards those around me. I also believe Covid isn’t much more than a bad flu and with a survival rate of 99.96% it is no where near a health crisis.
I wear a face shield but only to get in stores.
No. I wear it when I’m forced to.  I do try to social distance but did that before It was hip.
Noi dont wear a mask at all unless I'm at the hospital whee they won't let you in without it. I will go out of my way to get what I need at places that don't make us wear a mask.
only if I come into contact with those I do not know and if I can't social distance
No unless the place I am going requires it!!
If there is a crowd. I do wear one shopping.
I do not wear one in public
I choose not to wear one

NO. I have asbestosis and post polio syndrome making it too difficult now to breath. I feel like I'm being smothered by an incompetent doctor when I add a mask to my problems.
No. I cannot wear a mask. It clogs my sinuses and nasal passages, and I get dizzy within minutes.
Only when required by businesses where I shop.
No. I will not be oppressed.
Most of the time
No, I don't wear a mask as they make it hard for me to breath. I go everywhere, am 74 and still healthy because I keep my immune system working and not stagnant.
No I have not, nor ever will put on a mask. I want people to see the emotion in my face. Masks only remove emotion from our community, nothing more.

I do wear a mask when in public because my husband has asked me to. He's a rule follower.
No, I think it is all a hoax.

No. I will wear it only because I am forced to do so and only then if I cannot distance myself from others.
Mandated by state
Yes if they are 65% effective as been reported I think that’s good odds.
NO, i don't choose to, but am forced to in public places.
In buildings yes
Only in places that require it
I wear a mask until I establish the level of risk. I do wear masks in stores while shopping.
Yes and I do not .masks are not proven to prevent any spread of this virus they are creating more health issues for healthy people and people do have exemptions which many are not aware of
Yes! I have KN95s to wear.
Only because ourgivenor will fine us $1000 if not worn in public
No. I avoid wearing. Unhealthy.
NO!!!  Forced
No, I think it is a very stupid idea and doesn't do any good, cloth or otherwise and it causes more harm than good.  This shit has got to stop.
I help a number of my neighbors..  store trip, Dr. trips, etc.
I wear  mask when I take them ( when requested).  I makes them feel safer and that is fine for me.  I wear them to the store if required.  I do not wear them when I’m outside as I feel the fresh air is important.
Yes I wear a mask
No only where I am forced to like to see a doctor
No actually I hate them and I spend as little time in any store as I have to.  If most of the people do that it's not good for the stores and sales.
Yes, because I do not want to get the virus and do not want to spread the virus.
I wear a mask indoors not out of doors. I do so so I can will be admitted to businesses as needed
No, I only have one lung due to cancer a long time ago and I cannot breathe with a mask on.  I stay in  unless I go to church

No. My family refuses to set a bad example, so we do NOT wear masks anywhere. I actually feel sad for those who are so afraid, that hey do wear one.
No But now you can’t enter a store without them!! Trying to control the Hurd!! I slip it on but raise it once past the doors. I can’t breath with it on I have compromised lung issues from radiation treatments.
I do NOT wear a mask out in public!
Only because I have to
I absolutely refuse.
No, I wear it because the government requires it!
Yes, to prevent from get hassled by other people
Hate wearing mask but it's mandatory where i live when you go inside stores. If it wasn't i would not wear one.
No, I feel that the virus can get on many areas of my body regardless of masks.
I only wear a mask if required to enter public buildings to do business but remove immediately upon exiting. Due to restrictions I don't do much business outside of going to the grocery store.
Yes when in close proximity to others
Yes I always wear it I am out in the Public everyday working and you never know who may be carrying the virus. Best to be safe than sorry.
NO. Send the power hungry Fauci back to his lab. Let the rest of us live. There  is already a cure and a preventative for the virus. We do not need another vaccine that does nothing but line the pockets of the rich.
I do not. Only if forced. And then it’s done reluctantly.
No. It's required in Texas because our governor believes the Dr. Fauci is correct.  Dr. Fauci is a deep state  trader to our country.  Can't believe Trump hasn't fire him.
No, I'm awake, danger is real but fear is a choice!
No, but I do.
Absolutely not. I avoid wearing a mask as often as possible but I will wear in local businesses so they don’t get fined.
NO, Forced to wear one in most businesses or not allowed in. Noticed yesterday in Cicero, IN, most of the people were out in droves at the restaurants on  Morse Lake and ice cream shops and did't see ANY MASKS!! So ecstatic!!
I wear one when I am told I have to, in order to gain entry to a business. I do so under protest.
I never wear a mask outside or while driving, but if I enter a store - I will wear a mask to be respectful of those that are living in fear.  I also always leave my nose uncovered and breath through my nose so as to breath less fibers.

Only if REQUIRED or I can’t stay 3ft away.
Yes because it's mandated not because I want to
Yes I personally chose to wear a mask so I do not get ill as I have asthma and COPD, also many people are asymptomatic  and do not know they have the virus.
Hell no! Except if I’m forced to, ie Doctor appointment, pharmacy...
Yes I think it is important.
No.  I am not wearing a mask!  If they will not let me in because I do not have a mask then I will just go somewhere else.  I have a right not to where a mask. The leftist are just trying to herd us like sheep and I am not going to be herded!
I do to avoid confrontation and to err on the side of confrontation
Please read The United States Constitution 5th Amendment.
A signed written state could and would be used against yourself as evidence as a confession in a court of law as a admission of guilt. Therfore; I can not answer whether or not I Do wear a mask or not in public to comply with mandatory wearing of a ineffective cloth mask in public.
I advise everyone to answer this question the same!
Yes, because if they do help with the spread, I don't want to get it or spread it!  Also, If they work, then our country needs to open up 100%, but wear a mask.
No! I am a RN! We have never worn masks continually EVEN IN HOSPITALS where infections are present in higher numbers! Only isolated patient rooms required it with known contagious disease but always using and teaching cough into you elbow or cloth and always wash hands entering ever room and leaving  every room with soap and water and 20 second rule by singing the alphabet song for proper timing! We could control in  that environment which is known to be expert in prevention without walking  the floors masked every minute! Obama was never shut down with some of the worst infections we have seen and  much greater fatality rates Than the flu! You can’t trust opposition support like Fauci  who worships Obama and meets with rich elites like Gates  and Soros Planning a One World Order and owning big Pharma like Pfizer and Moderno wanting huge money more of it in their pocket and more control of mandated vaccines which will contain new DNA/RNA tracing meds in 3 step shots! They have removed the Personal  choice and Right from us but not from them! A test of power and what will come in their One World Order!
I don't like it,  but I have a dems government, so I have to or people get nasty!!
No. .asks give people a false sense of security. Many touch them continuously, pull them down to talk, put them in their purse or car etc and don't wash between uses. They also don't wash or sanitize their hands as much. I see no need. Masks are causing more division and hatred. No, I do not wear a mask even when required. If denied I go elsewhere to spend my money. It's one of the most harmful hoaxes ever played on the human race.
No, I keep one with me, only for the places that want let you in without one. Which is not many.
Yes,  I want to do my part in stoping the spread of this virus.
It’s a small but important part and it means I’m doing something too!’
Hell no
No, I do not personally choose to wear one.
Yes. I believe it will help reduce the virus until a cure is developed. In addition, it’s respect for others & yourself.
I DON'T wear a mask. Those cheap, flimsy masks DON'T Effin'work. And I DON'T buy the bullshit about this Covid. The flu statistics are worse. This virus, or is it bacteria, isn't the 'black plague', they ... the Dark State is trying to make people think it is. It's all about control and issuing in their NWO with vaccines with 'chips', RFID's. The President must make any vaccines volentary or I predict 'WWIII'.
Only when inside buildings.
No...communism force
In New Mexico, I wear a mask because at most businesses if I don't wear one the businesses, weather it's a big box stores, a 7-11, circle-k, or gas station, can get fined up to $1000. Also some people create a scene if they see me not wearing it
I do not wear a mask.  Just like  any other  virus  you  have to get  it to build up  your  antibodies
Yes I wear a mask when in public, I'm my wife's caregiver and am not going to take a chance on bringing home the bug to my wife.
Never Have
No. Think it is stupid. We have dumbed down population thru public education they don't get it. I wear because we teach our kids to obey the law. Conspiracy theories that are around make that hard.
No, unless required.
No, I do not personally choose to wear a mask when I go out in public! There is a state wide mask order in Texas right now, and the businesses could be fined if people do not wear masks. I put one on when I enter the building, such as a grocery store, and I take the darn thing off as SOON as I exit!
I wear one only when I go into a business or a medical clinic for a checkup I also wear a dust mask when I mow my yard since I have allergies to certain weeds
No don’t believe it’s right to be forced to wear it.
Yes.  I always do.
I do because that’s the requirement to get into any establishment.  Comes off as soon as the door closes behind me on the way out.  I don’t want to cause problems for orhers
NO! I will not submit to the demonic situation of Fauci and his minions
no. I believe social distancing is better than a mask, and it is hard for me to breathe while wearing a mask. I only wear one if i have to

No!, unless I can't get in a store to buy groceries to feed my family. Besides our state has fines enforced if you are caught. NM. I don't know of anyone that has been fined.
Only when forced to do it.  I like my immune system to work as normal!  Besides, if the mask worked, then they would have had the criminals in prison wear them instead of turning them loose to wreak havoc among the rest of us!  It looks more like something to make us afraid, instead of something that is really a problem!
No, I do it to appease the governor.
only when I have to
No, I do not wear a mask.
Absolutely Not
Being risk-averse and not certain about it, yes.
Only going in and out of stores!  When outside I do not wear one. Pure stupidity!
Only when they won’t let you enter whiteout one.
In crowds yes
I wear it when I am required to. Without the requirement, I wouldn’t wear it.
I only wear a mask if I have to.  I do not like the government telling us what to do. It takes away our freedom of choice.  Plus it’s hard to believe what the effects of the Covid virus really are , there are so many lies out there. It’s mostly about the money.
Basically what’s the truth anymore.  If you’re healthy I think you should be ok..
I’m 67 , I’ve traveled on a plane to Arizona and back.
I go out and about and I’m fine .. they put fear in people.
no, but I socially distance, use hand sanitizer. only mask if I am forced to comply by store.
No, I think they do more harm than good
No, I wear a face shield only because stores require.
I wear a mask whenever I go out in public.  I did not wear one at the gas station this morning because I was the only person getting gas and it was outside.  When I get supplies, I always wear a mask.
Only to Walmart
Fauci is a hippacrit!
Yes, I  have ALS so would be in jeopardy without one.
No. I am forced to wear one.
Because i am a heart patient i have worn one in closed facility but i have only been in 2x since this bs started
No...I will not wear one.
Sometimes. Depends on where I’m going. I definitely DON’T wear a mask riding in my car. That just looks dumb!
I wear a mask when going to a store or with more than 10 people and can't social distance.
No I don’t. I only wear it where I have to! I keep my distance.
Nope! I don’t believe they do any good and it’s the democrats way of scaring people into doing what they want and to see who follows. The numbers just don’t prove that this is even a pandemic.

I do that just to follow the rules.
I wear one not by choice but to keep fools from telling me why I should. I don't go shopping a lot because a lot of stores require you to have one on. This should be my choice.
Yes to protect others from any infection I many not know I have.
I wear it because I choose that grocery store and restaurants to keep thing open not out of fear.
No I do not!
Yes,..if required.
I only wear my mask when I go into a store because in NJ it’s mandated…even then I’m pulling it down over my nose when no one is near me
If mandatory, people cant spit on me when talking....
I dont wear one unless its required in a business.  For example...a doctors office

I am not going out.  I am doing all my buying online.  Being forced not to support my local small town.  Ridiculous, and now people are complaining how much Bezos is worth. We are being forced to buy online, of course he is getting more wealthy. 🤔🙄
No, we are forced to by Whitmer (gov. Michigan)
Yes, it's mandatory
I would not if I didn't have to.  In Indiana  we have to. I think they cause more problems than they solve. I think it's just all part of the one world order plan.
No, not unless I have to.
I only wear one when they are required
I live in a hot spot.  Cases rising every day.  I wear a cloth mask with filter to protect myself and the people around me.  It is mandatory in stores, restaurants, etc. where I live.
Yes because of force
I am currently wearing a mask when I go out in public because all of the places of the public places that I go to require a mask or there is no service
I only wear by force!  I go few places bc we’re not allowed in without one.  I truly pray our great President can STOP the mandatory vaccine for this!  The vaccine is another part of controlling us and will only harm us in other ways!  I will refuse the vaccine therefore will have no where I can go without proof of the vaccine!  I don’t want to live under communist rule but the evils trying to gain control are doing it quickly and easily.
I prefer not to wear the mask.
No, I refuse to wear a mask.  I am responsible for my own health and after research with many health professionals, I have concluded that wearing a mask will be detrimental to my health.
No.  Being forced to by are idiot governor, Gretchan Whitmer
I live in a hot spot.  I wear face masks with filters.
I do if I go to a store for groceries, but I don’t if I’m not going to the store
I wear cloth masks with filters.  I do this to protect myself and the people around me.

Yes only in stores and restaurants.
Yes, to avoid confrontation.
No, I only do it because I’m forced to!
Only if mandated by establishment
No.  I do not own a mask.  I will not hide under the bed.  It is a control mechanism to see how far US Citizens will be pushed into submission...and it is working!
No. I only wear one in mandated places.
No, I have asthma and risk passing out when wearing a mask.  Beside which masks are not able to stop virus! Demonrat plot to control the people!
NO, only to Doctors appointments
I wear a surgical mask, not cloth. I wear it because it seems the only way we can open up the country!
No,  its BS
Yes, but not for my own safety but for others because symptoms may not appear in me.
No because it doesn't work and I am not afraid. I have a brain and know how to use it and besides that I am smart enough to wash may hands and keep them away from my face.
It's mandatory for us and it should be a personal choice. I think this Chinese virus is over rated and being blown out of proportion. Everyone who dies these days is a covid death. It's 🐃💩. Don't trust Fauci or the lyin DemonCraps. When everyone sees what they  are doing the 💩 is gonna hit the fan. They're 👿👹👺. Hope they rot in 🔥.
Yes. More for others than myself.
No I only wear it because my libtard governor my it a requirement🤦🤯🤷🏼‍♂️
I think the mandate is an infringement on my rights!
They will not keep the virus at bay.  I am sick of the lies and idiotic plots of the Democratic Party!
I wear one most of the time to walk through the doors, but keep it pulled down under my chin anytime I’m more than 6’ from another person. I believe mask wearing is harmful to the health of a healthy person.
I do, but don't go out much because I cannot breathe with one on
No! I try not to go anywhere that requires a mask! I think it is all ridiculous! I think Fauci is a quack and working for the Democrats! He could care less about the American people! I think he and the Dems are evil 👿 👿
Not unless it's required I have asthma and it's very difficult to breathe with it on
No bloody way!!
Yes I do
I do not wear a mash

Unless there is someone at the door telling me I have to put on a mask I never wear one.
Yes, but I mainly stay home unfortunately.
I do not have a mask, therefore I do not wear one.  I am not able to wear one, but would not even if I could.
I don’t unless a store has asked for it and sometimes not then. I do choose to stay away from most people.
I cannot wear a mask. I have asthma/sinusitis so it makes it hard for me to breathe.
If I’m in a potentially crowded store like a supermarket, yes. Going for walks with my dogs, no
Yes I do wear a mask. I’m a realtor, and in front of different people everyday. I do it for my peace of mind and to protect others.  As well as Social distancing and washing hands often. It can’t hurt to be careful
I don’t wear a mask out in public but I do stay safely apart from others
No. I only wear in establishment that force the issue. And I don’t patronize those place unless I really have to.
Nope don’t wear one and won’t 💯🇺🇸
Outdoors, social distance or wear a mask if impossible.  Indoors, yes.
Never...its not natural and I won't participate in the oppression.  Or risk the consequences of wearing one. No thanks to staph.
Yes.. no sense taking a chance if it does help..

Yes. If it’s inside. Outside no; I want to breathe fresh air!
No. Unconstitutional. Dehumanizing.
Only in stores that require
Only if I am forced to
No. If I am not in range of anyone else, I don’t. I believe masks are ineffective.
No. I can't breathe or smile.
Yes but only because it is Mandated in PA!
Nope. Never have, never will.
I only wear a mask when mandated. It comes off as soon as I am outside!
I only wear a mask were I have to and then only if I see others following the pied piper.
No I do not
I wear one occasionally but very rarely.
I do!  I feel safer, but I’m not sure. I listen to the experts, but sometimes I’m not sure they’re convinced.
No by force
yes ... its mandated
only if every body else is
No, mandated


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