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Video: Maizie Hirono Walks Out of Antifa Hearing Held By Ted Cruz

Senator Maize Hirono walked out of a Senate hearing on Antifa after Senator Ted Cruz called her and other democrats out for refusing to condemn Antifa.


Democratic politicians are proving to be the most petty and immature people in America, especially over the last 4 years.

They continue to voice aggressive accusations against all who disagree with them, and when presented with facts and evidence, they storm away like angry adolescents.

Perhaps nobody embodies the democrats’ sense of arrogance, petulance, and immaturity more than Senator Maize Hirono of Hawai.

Tensions were already high when Hirono became incensed during Ted Cruz’s Antifa hearing in the Senate, after Cruz lamented the democrats for refusing to say a solitary condemning comment about Antifa.

Hirono accused Cruz of refusing to listen, then she again refused to single out Antifa, and finally stormed out of the hearing.

Our friens at Fox News have the story:

Tensions flared at a Senate hearing on Antifa when a top Democrat walked out of the room declaring she couldn't sit through Sen. Ted Cruz's rhetorical speeches any longer.

The dustup occurred when Cruz, R-Texas, blasted Democrats for not condemning Antifa more directly for the violence and destruction that has taken hold in certain U.S. cities in the wake of George Floyd's death in Minneapolis.

But Sen. Mazie Hirono, D-Hawaii, said Cruz just wasn't listening during the more than three-hour hearing when Democrats said violence is not acceptable.

"Sometimes I don't think you listen," Hirono told Cruz at the Senate Judiciary subcommittee hearing as he finished up with a nearly 10-minute speech.  "So, how many times have I had to say that we all should be denouncing violent extremists of every stripe."

"Does that include Antifa?" said Cruz, who was chairing the hearing.

"I have the time," Hirono shot back.

"...I hope this is the end of this hearing, Mr. Chairman, and that we don't have to listen to any more of your rhetorical speeches," Hirono concluded.  "Thank you very much. I'm leaving."

Hirono then packed up to leave the hearing before Cruz adjourned it.

"Well I appreciate the, as always, kind of uplifting words of Senator Hirono," Cruz said. "And I would also note that throughout her remarks she still did not say a negative word about Antifa nor has any Democrat here."

He urged her again to denounce the leftist extremist group. "You're welcome to say something negative about Antifa right now," Cruz said to his departing colleague.

"I think that I've covered the subject quite well," Hirono replied in barely audible remarks before exiting the room.

"Okay, she declined to speak, so that is the position of the Democratic Party," Cruz said.

Democrats like Hirono are so blindly enraged by President Donald Trump and the republican party, that they can't form a coherent argument outside of name calling.

After that fails, their only defense is trying to "save face" by running away.

It's embarrassing to watch and they should be completely ashamed of these actions.

See no evil, Hear no evil, speak no evil...

This is the democratic platform for dealing with domestic terrorist groups like Antifa.

Daily Mail has more:

Cruz later appeared on Fox News to tell Hannity that the Democrats had made a 'cynical decision' not to denounce Antifa, claiming they wanted to encourage radical leftism.  

'What's happening, unfortunately, is not free speech,' Cruz told Sean Hannity, 'and those who are peaceably protesting are seeing their protests hijacked by violent anarchists, by Marxists who are engaged in acts of terror.

'At the end of the day, none of this is complicated,' he said. 'Don't assault your fellow citizens. Don't firebomb a police car. Don't loot and destroy small businesses. Don't murder police officers.'

The hearing, titled 'The Right of the People Peaceably to Assemble: Protecting Speech by Stopping Anarchist Violence,' had been a partisan face-off.

Senate Judiciary Subcommittee Chairman Ted Cruz (R-TX) references photographs while presiding over a hearing about 'anarchist violence' in the Dirksen Senate Office Building on Capitol Hill August 04, 2020 in Washington, DC.

As she packed up her files, Cruz continued to lambaste the Hawaiian senator for declining to specifically denounce Antifa

Cruz played video of Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi protests to contrast their peaceful protests with the actions of the mob throughout US cities over the last few months.

Hirono meanwhile displayed her own footage of what she claimed was police brutality and disproportionate force used against peaceful demonstrators.

She also disagreed with the title for the hearing, saying it should instead be called: 'The right of the people peaceably to assemble without being beaten up by unidentifiable federal agents.'  

God help us all, if the democrats gain back the presidency or more in the election.


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