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Unsealed Court Documents Claim Bill Clinton Visited Jeffrey Epstein’s Private Island With Two YOUNG Girls


It’s been common knowledge for years that there’s most likely some sort of connection between the infamous pedophile, Jeffrey Epstein, and former President Bill Clinton.

But thanks to the mainstream media, few questions have been asked.

Now thanks to unsealed court documents, witness testimony alleges that Bill Clinton did indeed visit Epstein’s private island.

Here’s the latest details on the story from Fox News:

A trove of documents released late Thursday could shed light on Ghislaine Maxwell’s relationship with late financier and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.

The data include records of a 2011 meeting between accuser Virginia Giuffre and her lawyers where she talked about the powerful people in Epstein’s orbit who she said either flew on his private Boeing 727 or stayed on his private island in the Caribbean.

One of the names mentioned was that of former President Bill Clinton.

Maxwell’s lawyers had filed an emergency motion to stop the release of the new documents and have said the move would essentially eliminate any chance their client has at a fair trial. The lawyers said documents from a 2015 civil suit could “inappropriately influence potential witnesses or alleged victims.”

The newly released documents include a conversation that accuser Giuffre had with her lawyers nearly 10 years ago as part of her civil case against Maxwell in 2015.

At one point in the conversation, the subject turned to Epstein’s powerful friends. Jack Scarola, one of Giuffre’s lawyers, asked her if she had any recollection of Epstein telling her that Bill Clinton owed him “favors.”

“Yes I do,” she responded, according to the documents. “It was a laugh, though. He would laugh it off.  You know, I remember asking Jeffrey [a] ‘What’s Bill Clinton doing here?’ kind of thing, and he laughed it off and said, ‘Well, he owes me a favor.’ He never told me what favors they were. I never knew. I didn’t know if he was serious. It was just a joke.”

The lawyer asked her to clarify what she was referring to when she mentioned Clinton, and she said the former president was on the island. She said Maxwell was also there, as well as a person named “Emmy” and two young girls.

“And were all of you staying at Jeffrey’s house on the island, including Bill Clinton?” Scarola asked.

“That’s correct,” she responded. “He had about four or five different villas on his island separate from the main house, and we stayed in the villas.”

Check out this tweet a user posted showing excerpts of the court document:

You can see reactions on Twitter to the bombshell news right here:

Yet this whole time, Bill Clinton has denied his involvement with Epstein.

The Independent reported in May that Clinton denied ever visiting Epstein's island:

A second person has claimed Bill Clinton visited the late Jeffrey Epstein’s island in a new Netflix documentary, but the former president again denied these allegations.

Netflix’s Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich, a four-part docuseries released on Wednesday, includes an interview from a longtime tech worker on the Caribbean island who claimed he once saw Clinton at Epstein’s villa home.

There was no one else with the pair, the worker Steve Scully, 70, said about the sighting.

Mr Scully told the docuseries he also saw other “important people” coming and going from the villa at different points.

The villa is where Epstein, a convicted sex offender, allegedly held sex parties with others that included underage girls, according to The Sun. The location is also the centre of where people say they saw Mr Clinton while he was friends with Epstein.

Virginia Roberts Giuffre, who has claimed she became Epstein’s “sex slave” at the age of 17, previously said she also saw Mr Clinton on the island, but said he never behaved inappropriately.

She accused Epstein and Prince Andrew, Queen Elizabeth II’s second son, of forcing her into an orgy with nine underage girls, according to 2015 court documents.

The villa is where Epstein, a convicted sex offender, allegedly held sex parties with others that included underage girls, according to The Sun. The location is also the centre of where people say they saw Mr Clinton while he was friends with Epstein.

Virginia Roberts Giuffre, who has claimed she became Epstein’s “sex slave” at the age of 17, previously said she also saw Mr Clinton on the island, but said he never behaved inappropriately.

She accused Epstein and Prince Andrew, Queen Elizabeth II’s second son, of forcing her into an orgy with nine underage girls, according to 2015 court documents.

Watch The Hill's news clip on the newly released court documents:

Hopefully investigators will continue their work and find out the real truth on the Clinton-Epstein connection.


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