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Man Who Allegedly Assaulted NYPD Chief Terrence Monahan on Brooklyn Bridge Released Without Bail

The man who allegedly assaulted the NYPD chief and two other officers has been released without bail.


The man who punched New York Police Chief Terrence Monahan and two other officers on the Brooklyn Bridge Wednesday has been released without bail.

The city has become an absolute warzone as of late and perpetrators like Quran Campbell, the man responsible for the assault, are a step away from getting away with murder.

I ask again…

When does this madness end?

Fox News has the scoop:

The Bronx man who allegedly punched NYPD Chief Terence Monahan and two other officers during protests on the Brooklyn Bridge Wednesday has been released without bail.

Quran Campbell, 25, is accused of socking the highest-ranking uniformed cop several times in the face as Monahan tried to arrest him after Campbell had allegedly punched another NYPD officer and lieutenant near the Manhattan approach to the bridge.

Campbell was arraigned on assault charges in Manhattan criminal court and was granted supervised release.

A second Bronx man, Banks Shaborn, 25, was also arraigned Thursday after allegedly clocking the same lieutenant, Richard Mack, of the department’s Strategic Response Group, multiple times in the face during the scuffle.

The suspects allegedly broke both of Mack’s orbital bones, sending him to the hospital for 12 stitches on his face after the melee. Monahan said he suffered some bruises and jammed fingers, but was otherwise fine.

Police said they recovered a Taser from Shaborn’s pocket and a folding knife from his shoe.

Shaborn, who faces assault and criminal possession charges, was held on $10,000 bail.

These are the same people that Chief Monahan kneeled with in solidarity mere weeks ago.

As expected, that meant nothing. 

Chief Monahan had this to say...


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