There has been outrage and uprisings across the country for what liberal activists call "sytemic-racism."
Yet there seems to be little outrage in the national media or from Social Justice Warriors for the rise of Anti-Semitism on the Left.
NBA legen Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is the most African-American to stand up against this new trend in an Op-Ed for The Hollywood Reporter:
Recent incidents of anti-Semitic tweets and posts from sports and entertainment celebrities are a very troubling omen for the future of the Black Lives Matter movement, but so too is the shocking lack of massive indignation. Given the New Woke-fulness in Hollywood and the sports world, we expected more passionate public outrage. What we got was a shrug of meh-rage.
When reading the dark squishy entrails of popular culture, meh-rage in the face of sustained prejudice is an indisputable sign of the coming Apatholypse: apathy to all forms of social justice. After all, if it’s OK to discriminate against one group of people by hauling out cultural stereotypes without much pushback, it must be OK to do the same to others. Illogic begets illogic.
Ice Cube’s June 10 daylong series of tweets, which involved some creepy symbols and images, in general implied that Jews were responsible for the oppression of blacks. NFL player DeSean Jackson tweeted out several anti-Semitic messages, including a quote he incorrectly thought was from Hitler (not your go-to guy for why-can’t-we-all-get-along quotes) stating that Jews had a plan to “extort America” and achieve “world domination.” Isn’t that SPECTRE’s job in James Bond movies?
These statements would be laughed at by anyone with a middle-school grasp of reason, but then former NBA player Stephen Jackson, a self-proclaimed activist, undid whatever progress his previous advocacy may have achieved by agreeing with DeSean Jackson on social media. Then he went on to talk about the Rothschilds owning all the banks and his support for the notorious homophobe and anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan. That is the kind of dehumanizing characterization of a people that causes the police abuses that killed his friend, George Floyd.
June continued to bust out all over with anti-Semitism when performer Chelsea Handler, herself Jewish, posted videos of Farrakhan to her 3.9 million followers. That means almost 4 million people received a subliminal message that even some Jews think being anti-Jewish is justified."
There has been a spate of Anti-Jewish sentiment and historic revisionism from Rappers like Ice-Cube, to NFL player Desean Jackson, to white Jewish actress Chelsea Handler, who seemed to sympathize with the message of notorious Anti-Semite, Louis Farrakhan.
Even in his response to Abdul-Jabbar, Ice-Cube can't seem to help but use an implicit Anti-Semitic trope referencing Judas' betrayal of Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.
Billboard reports on Ice-Cube's most recent display of intolerance:
While a spokesperson for the rapper, 50, had not returned Billboard's request for comment at press time, in response to someone leveling a charge of anti-Semitism against the him, Cube wrote, "What if I was just pro-Black? This is the truth brother. I didn’t lie on anyone. I didn’t say I was anti anybody. DONT BELIEVE THE HYPE. I’ve been telling my truth.” He also added the statement, "You know who I am and what I stand for. I believe in actual facts and I stand on the TRUTH alone. LIES GET SPIT ON" to the former.
One of the images posted last week showed men with the kind of exaggerated facial features typically associated with anti-Semitic tropes playing Monopoly on the backs of black people. The shot came from a 2012 mural that was painted on a wall in London's Tower Hamlets neighborhood and was removed due to its disturbing imagery.
In response to an image of slaves working in Egypt with the caption "Hebrew Israelites slaves in ancient Egypt... Clearly they are a black people," international human rights lawyer Arsen Ostrovsky replied, "Sorry @icecube, lost all respect for you now. Was willing to give you benefit of the doubt, but no more. You cannot claim to fight racism, by employing #Antisemitism! It also only demeans the memory of #GeorgeFloyd. Shame on you!"
Acclaimed writer/professor Roxane Gay reacted to one of the Star of David posts -- which was hit with a "potentially sensitive content" warning by Twitter -- writing, "It is impossible to take you seriously with regards to social justice or,.. anything when you post anti-Semitic imagery. What the f— are you doing?"
When BET news host and Temple University professor Marc Lamont Hill wrote, "Sadly, no. This is his second antisemitic post in a week. Conspiracy theories of Jewish global domination are textbook antisemitism," Cube responded. "What if I was just pro-Black? This is the truth brother," he said. "I didn’t lie on anyone. I didn’t say I was anti anybody. DONT BELIEVE THE HYPE. I’ve been telling my truth."
NFL player, Desean Jackson also posted tweets claiming the ancient Israelites were black.
Something not really supported by history and also implying that white Jews were the original purps of "cultural appropriation."
Below is an excerpt from ESPN covering the incident.

Yea, right, Desean.
By the way, he wasn't cut from his team. There was no league wide moment of contrition.
Worst of all was the support of racist Louis Farrakhan by Jewish American Actress, Chelsea Handler.
From the NYPost:
Celebrities including Chelsea Handler and Jessica Chastain shared a video clip with their millions of social-media followers showing a speech by Louis Farrakhan, the fiery Nation of Islam leader who has a history of anti-Semitic, racist and homophobic rhetoric.
“I learned a lot from watching this powerful video,” wrote Handler in blasting out the clip to her nearly four million Instagram followers on Sunday.
In the undated clip from The Phil Donahue Show, Farrakhan verbally jousts with members of the program’s studio audience on questions of whether racial prejudice could ever truly be overcome.
The post — shared amid international unrest sparked by a white Minneapolis cop’s fatally kneeling on the neck of George Floyd, a black man, on May 25 — reportedly racked up likes from celebrities including Jennifer Aniston, Michelle Pfeiffer and Jennifer Garner.
Chastain shared the post with her 3.2 million followers from Handler’s page, Mediaite reported Tuesday, only for the actress to apparently delete the video without explanation.
Fellow actress Jameela Jamil also reportedly shared the video, along with a message that betrayed ignorance of Farrakhan’s notoriety.
“Someone please tell me the name of this extraordinary man who so perfectly sums up white fear in under a minute,” Jamil reportedly wrote in her own comment, which too has been deleted.
In his decades atop the Nation of Islam — which is designated as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center — Farrakhan, now 87, has unabashedly spewed vitriol against white people, the LGBT community and, in particular, Jews."
If anyone thinks any of this narrative in America is about justice, please think again.
This is about racial subjugation.
It's about shaming those who are too weak to stand up to hatred into submission because they are white.
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