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Hillary Won’t Give It Up

Failed Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton, once again, slanders the President as illegitimate on "The Daily Show."


Whatever happened to Hillary taking to the woods?

I was hoping she decided to live there…or maybe crawl off like a wounded animal, and you know…

Instead, liberal media sycophants parade her around their shows every now and again, giving her every opportunity to continue lying, complaining, and overall ruining Prime Time cable. 

Rolling Stone Magazine covered her appearance on Trevor Noah’s “The Daily Show:”

Elsewhere, Clinton spoke about the Hulu documentary Hillary, Trump’s response to the coronavirus, his disregard for science, and his belated decision to wear a mask. Noah also asked Clinton for her thoughts on Trump’s decision to commute the prison sentence of Roger Stone after he was found guilty on seven counts, including witnesses tampering and lying to Congress.

Calling presidential pardon and commutation powers a corrective for those who have been punished unfairly, Clinton said: “In this case, it’s a continuation of the coverup. Because the one thing that Trump is fearful of, when it comes to his being president, is that finally we will see how illegitimate his victory actually was, and how he was involved in the seeking of foreign help, and then the utilization of it, and how Roger Stone was critical to that. But unless Trump is defeated at the polls in November, we will never really know everything there is to know about this really deep, ongoing dismantling of institutions and undermining the rule of law, and the original sin of the way he actually won the election.”

Maybe he could have asked her about all the voter fraud in New Jersey. 

But then he'd be doing real journalism. 

Can't have that. 

Of course, Hillary's concern about this year's election means she can't possibly be the reason why she lost her own election in '16, right?

Speaking of not going quietly...


BTW don't ask Trevor Noah to ask Hillary about Slick Willy's Epstein connection. 

Or their rich buddy who just took a dive out of his high rise in California. 

The pathetic members of the mainstream media are so transparent in their bias that one has to wonder why people even treat them as journalists. 

Trevor Noah could have used his platform to speak truth to power, question Clinton on her ties to child sex traffickers, and maybe pointing out how she simply lost fair and square. 

What's more pathetic is how many Americans in this country can pretend that her crimes don't exist.

Or that her disgusting double standards don't exist. 

The only crook refusing to accept American Democracy and tormenting the rest of us with her presence is Crooked Hillary. 

When Trump wins again I hope she finally disappears. 


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