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Breaking: Warrant Issued for St. Louis Couple that Defended Property from BLM, Guns Seized


One of the most fundamental rights you have as a citizen in this country is to defend yourself and your property from those that would cause harm.

Well, at least that's how it used to be before the media and politicians began taking ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter seriously.

Remember the St. Louis couple that brandished their firearms on their property to defend it from trouble makers at a passing Black Lives Matter protest?

They no longer have those guns!

The New York Post reports that the St. Louis police issued a warrant against the couple and seized the guns:

St. Louis police officers reportedly seized a rifle from the husband-and-wife lawyers filmed waving firearms at Black Lives Matter protesters last month.

The officers served a warrant on Mark and Patricia McCloskey on Friday night, taking the rifle the husband was pictured aiming, the local NBC affiliate reported.

The officers were told by the couple that their attorney had the second gun, the pistol brandished by the wife, the report said.

The couple were filmed as they emerged barefoot from their lavish mansion in the Central West End neighborhood, each toting a firearm as protesters marched down their private street toward the home of Mayor Lyda Krewson.

Mark stood with the rifle on their Renaissance-style porch as Patricia aimed the gun at the passersby with her finger on the trigger.

The two have defended their actions by saying they felt their lives were at risk.

“We were threatened with our lives, threatened with a house being burned down, my office building being burned down, even our dog’s life being threatened, Mark McCloskey told the station, KDSK.

You can see part of the encounter right here:

Check out reactions on Twitter to the news:

These radicals are going to completely destroy our country.

They want to defund the police.

They want to take your guns.

They want to leave you completely helpless to the anarchy they create.

Yahoo reports that protesters even returned to the couple's house after the initial encounter:

Several hundred protesters made a peaceful return trip Friday to the St. Louis mansion owned by a white couple whose armed defense of their home during an earlier demonstration earned them both scorn and support.

Protesters marched along the busy public boulevard called Kingshighway, which intersects with Portland Place, a private street that is the site of the Renaissance palazzo-style home of Mark McCloskey, 61, and his 63-year-old wife, Patricia.

Chanting protesters on Friday stopped at the gate just outside the McCloskeys' home for about 15 minutes. The gate that closes the private street to non-residents and extra metal barriers blocked the entrance to Portland Place, where the protesters had walked earlier in the week on their way to the mayor’s home nearby.

Inside the gate, more than a dozen men in plain clothes walked the grounds and peered out from a second-floor balcony of the couple's home. One protester briefly straddled an iron gate as if he was going to jump over, but did not. No one threw anything and no one behind the gates showed aggression. One man on the McCloskeys' balcony clapped along with the chanting protesters.

The racially diverse crowd on Friday carried signs reading “Black Lives Matter,” “Defund the Police” and “No Justice, No Peace,” and chanted slogans including, “when Black lives are under attack, what do we do? Stand up, fight back,” and “this is what democracy looks like.”

It was not immediately known if the McCloskeys were home.


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