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WI Man Kills Retired Policeman Because He Was White

Daniel Navarro stated to police that he intentionally sped his pickup truck into an oncoming motorcycle because the driver was White.


One story I can’t seem to find on any liberal mainstream news sites, is the targeted killing of a white man by a Mexican-American in Wisconsin. 

Police say Daniel Navarro allegedly admitted to smashing his car into former Marine and retired Policeman, 57 year old Phillip Thiessen, simply because he was “Caucasion.”

From our friends at Fox News:

Police in Fond du Lac, Wis., say a 27-year-old man intentionally slammed his pickup head-on into a motorcyclist because he was “targeting a White person,” leaving the rider dead last week, investigators said Thursday.

Daniel Navarro allegedly swerved his father’s 2004 Dodge Dakota pickup into the victim’s path without braking on July 3, Fond du Lac Sheriff Ryan Waldschmidt said at a news conference Thursday.

Authorities identified the deceased as 55-year-old Phillip Thiessen, a Marine veteran and former Virginia police officer who had retired from a career with the Wisconsin Department of Justice, where he’d investigated crimes against children. After his retirement in 2018, he volunteered at the local food pantry.

Investigators arrived at the scene to find Thiessen’s body, witnesses trying to render aid, and Navarro standing nearby waiting for deputies, authorities said.

Daniel Navarro allegedly swerved his father’s 2004 Dodge Dakota pickup into the victim’s path without braking on July 3, Fond du Lac Sheriff Ryan Waldschmidt said at a news conference Thursday. (Fond du Lac County Jail)
Daniel Navarro allegedly swerved his father’s 2004 Dodge Dakota pickup into the victim’s path without braking on July 3, Fond du Lac Sheriff Ryan Waldschmidt said at a news conference Thursday. (Fond du Lac County Jail)
When a patrol sergeant arrived, the sheriff said Navarro stated he had intentionally slammed into the motorcycle and passed a field sobriety test.

Navarro allegedly targeted the motorcycle due to the rider’s race and the fact that injuries in such a crash would likely be fatal, Waldschmidt said. Navarro was unhurt.

In another report, Navarro alleges that he had been repeatedly poisoned over the last year and that his neighbors were all racists.

He allegedly set out the day of the killing to run over any white person he could find, someone on a motocycle was just easiest to kill, in his mind.

From local Fox 6:

Daniel Navarro, 27, is also charged with use of a dangerous weapon. He made his initial court appearance Thursday where bond was set at $1 million cash. Navarro returns to court July 17.

According to a criminal complaint, around 6:45 p.m., investigators found the victim deceased in the roadway near a motorcycle, with witnesses trying to render aid. He was not wearing a helmet at the time of the crash. A red 2004 Dodge Dakota pickup was nearby -- having crashed into a pole off the roadway. Prosecutors said Navarro, the driver of the pickup, said he was in the westbound lane of Winnebago Drive when he intentionally crashed into the motorcycle head-on. Witnesses said the truck swerved into the westbound lane and struck the motorcycle -- with the bike flying into the air.

Investigators said there were no signs the pickup braked before or after the crash.

The complaint said Navarro told investigators he believed he was "intentionally contaminated with chemical sterilizer on a jacket by an employment supervisor in Ripon a year and a half prior," and "a friend poisoned him by giving him acid a year and a half ago." He added that he was "still being poisoned by a neighbor." He added that he "can hear one of his neighbors making racist comments through the walls." He said "they" drive by his house and rev their engines or squeal their tires, and "they" know who he is. He said "they" are "trying to upset him" but he "doesn't get angry." He said "those who are poisoning him, giving him acid and making racist comments are all Caucasian and targeting him because he is Mexican."

He said the day of the crash, he took the truck out for a drive to charge up the battery and saw the motorcycle and "intentionally swerved with intent to kill the driver." According to the complaint, he said he had been "thinking about targeting a white person and killing them with a vehicle earlier that day," and he "picked a motorcycle because he wanted the person to die," noting that "white people drive motorcycles," and "the Harley culture is made up of white racists." He said he "wanted to go to prison to be free from his neighbors," and he "knows what he did was wrong."

Racism appears to be alive and well in America. 

No one can deny that there is a small percentage of racist Whites in this country, just as I believe that racists like the Klan and Daniel Navarro alike, are at this point on the fringe on society.

But what is scary to me is the deliberate framing of Whites as ubiquitiously racist, Jim Crow sympathizers, whether they know it or not. 

Meanwhile, racists targeting their White counterparts are so scantly reported in national media, as to appear not to exist. 

RIP Officer Thiessen, and all other law enforcment people who have been needlessly murdered by the hateful dregs of our society. 

God Bless You and thank you for your service to our country.


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