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St. Louis Couple That Defended Property with Guns Makes Statement, Supports BLM


If the left has its way and the police get defunded, it’ll result in absolute anarchy where it’s every man and woman for themselves.

When there’s no one to call, it’ll be up to you to defend your property in any way that you can.

Take the recently famous St. Louis couple for example.

As BLM protesters stormed their neighborhood, they grabbed their guns and defended their home from the front yard.

Now, they’ve broken their silence regarding the matter and it may not be what you expected.

Here’s the details from Rivefront Times:

In something of a surprise twist on an already bizarre story, the St. Louis couple who pointed guns at protesters walking by their Central West End mansion during a march to the mayor’s house yesterday have released a statement in support of those protesters.

The statement, released through their attorney, Al Watkins, aims to “set the record straight” regarding the incident, which was captured on film from multiple angles and has since become national news.

“The peaceful protesters were not the subject of scorn or disdain by the McCloskeys,” the statement says in part. “To the contrary, they were expecting and supportive of the message of the protesters.”

The statement claims that the McCloskeys were “in fear of imminent harm,” however, due to “the actions of a few individuals who chose to exploit the otherwise peaceful protest” with “actions of violence, destruction of property and acts of threatening aggression.”

“The Black Lives Matters movement is here to stay, it is the right message, and it is about time,” Watkins says in the statement. “The McCloskeys want to make sure no one thinks less of BLM, its message and the means it is employing to get its message out because of the actions of a few white individuals who tarnished a peaceful protest.”

A police report which lists the McCloskeys as victims gives their account of the incident:

The victims stated they were on their property when they heard a loud commotion coming from the street. When the victims went to investigate the commotion, they observed a large group of subjects forcefully break an iron gate marked with “No Trespassing” and “Private Street” signs. Once through the gate, the victims advised the group that they were on a private street and trespassing and told them to leave. The group began yelling obscenities and threats of harm to both victims. When the victims observed multiple subjects who were armed, they then armed themselves and contacted police. The investigation is ongoing.

That account, however, is at odds with the video evidence.

In a clip from a livestream that was shared on social media, the large and loud crowd of protesters can be seen entering the gated neighborhood not by smashing a gate, but rather by opening it.

The gate is opened by the first protester at the seven-second mark of the video, and more protesters file in behind him. Within seconds, Mark McCloskey’s voice can be heard screaming from a house to the protesters’ right, announcing that this is private property and yelling, “Get the hell out of my neighborhood!”

At the 22-second mark, the person filming the video remarks that McCloskey has a gun.

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That would mean, if the account they told police is to be believed, it took a grand total of, at most, fifteen seconds from the moment they allegedly watched protesters break down a gate (which, again, they had not broken down but rather opened and walked through) for the following things to happen:

-“[T]he victims advised the group that they were on a private street and trespassing and told them to leave.”

-“The group began yelling obscenities and threats of harm to both victims.”

-“[T]he victims observed multiple subjects who were armed, they then armed themselves.”

After the incident, the McCloskey’s received an outpouring of support on Twitter over their brave move:



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